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Fast-Track Energy Transitions to Win the Race to Zero

Proven technologies for a net-zero energy system already largely exist today, finds the preview of World Energy Transitions Outlook by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable power, green hydrogen and modern bioenergy will dominate...

Innovation and Market Reform Needed to Drive Japan’s Clean Energy Transition, IEA Policy Review Finds

New report notes Japan’s success in making its energy system more resilient and sustainable, but says reaching carbon-neutrality by 2050 requires quick action now. Japan will need to move quickly to make headway...

First Passenger Flight Performed With Sustainable Synthetic Kerosene

The Netherlands is one of the leading countries in Europe that aim to boost the development and application of sustainable aviation fuels to make aviation more sustainable. The Netherlands wants to stimulate...

Concentrating Solar Power Gets Supercritical CO2 Makeover

Concentrating solar power may have finally found its one true love: supercritical carbon dioxide, aka sCO2, which is something that happens when carbon dioxide gas behaves like a liquid. The electricity generation...

How to Turn Industrial Carbon Emissions Into Building Materials

When Sophia Hamblin Wang flew to Davos, Switzerland, in January 2020, swathes of her home country, Australia, was on fire."So many of my communities were affected in profound ways. We could feel...

IRENA Puts Energy Transformation at Heart of Sustainable Recovery Agenda

Governments can align immediate economic stimulus needs with medium to long-term decarbonisation and sustainable development objectives by targeting policy measures and public spending towards the energy transformation, a new report by the...

How to Exploit Coal Reserves?

The increase of energy production from renewable sources and higher energy efficiency are definitely directions towards a sustainable energy future of Serbia. Energy experts have no dilemmas about that. However, the subject...

Renewable Energy Can Support Resilient and Equitable Recovery

Advancing the renewables-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, creating millions of jobs and improving human welfare by 2050, finds the first Global Renewables...

A Genuine Artificial Leaf – New Source of Clean Energy?

The race to create a genuine artificial leaf has heated up to the boiling point. The latest development is a new device that looks like a greenish tile the size of a...

Clean Energy at the Heart of Stimulus Plans to Counter the Coronavirus Crisis?

The impact of the coronavirus around the world and the resulting turmoil in global markets are dominating global attention. As governments respond to these interlinked crises, they must not lose sight of...

Oil and Gas Industry Needs to Step Up Climate Efforts Now

Oil and gas companies are facing a critical challenge as the world increasingly shifts towards clean energy transitions. Fossil fuels drive the companies’ near-term returns, but failure to address growing calls to...

Offshore Windfarms ‘Can Provide More Electricity Than the World Needs’

Erecting wind turbines on the world’s best offshore sites could provide more than enough clean energy to meet global electricity demand, according to a report.A detailed study of the world’s coastlines has...

Investing in Renewable Energy Better Than Pouring Money into Carbon Capture

“We’ll science our way out of global warming.” We hear that all the time from people who don’t quite believe climate change is real and that burning fossil fuels is the cause....

Scientists Hit Back: Another Paper Claims 100% Renewables is Possible and Affordable

Is it possible for the world to run on 100 percent renewable energy? It's a noble goal, as the best science tells us we must significantly slash fossil fuel consumption or else...

Climate Change Threatens Kelp Forests With Invasions of Weeds

The devastating consequences climate change is already having on coral reefs is well known, but now scientists have discovered that yet another unique marine ecosystem is threatened by rising carbon dioxide levels.A...

Costa Rica’s New President Vows ‘Emancipation’ From Dirty Transport

Carlos Alvarado Quesada, the president-elect of Costa Rica, plans to continue the country's extraordinary stewardship of the environment with a pledge to decarbonize its transportation sector. On Sunday, he promised that one day...



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