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Signs and Impacts of Climate Change in Atmosphere, Land and Oceans Are Rising

The tell-tale physical signs of climate change such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice are highlighted in a new report compiled by the World Meteorological...

European Transport Needs to Adapt to Rising Climate Risks

From road and rail networks to ports, airports and inland waterways, critical transport resources are facing unprecedented threats from climate change impacts, notably severe flooding.However, adapting transport systems to rising climate risks...

Why Does Europe Need to Limit Climate Change and Adapt to Its Impacts?

The increased exposure to climate related hazards will differ from region to region across Europe, according to the EEA story map. The background briefing shows examples of selected risks across Europe. It...

Aiming for Healthier and Greener Belgrade

If all the citizens of Belgrade, as their Mayor, walked every day, used public transport more, and planted some trees when the opportunity arises, perhaps our capital would already be a bit...

Grass Growing Around Mount Everest as Global Heating Intensifies

Shrubs and grasses are springing up around Mount Everest and across the Himalayas, one of the most rapidly heating regions of the planet.The impact on water supplies of the small but significant...

Climate Procrastination

Although it was evident at the beginning of the second half of the last century that significant changes in the climate system could be expected and that these changes would have an...

Green Priorities of Belgrade

The consequences of climate change and global warming are becoming more pronounced in urban areas, and the problem is even greater due to the fact the cities, to a large extent, generate...

Lorenzo Quinn’s Sculpture ‘Support’ to Warn of Rising Sea Levels at COP25

A 3-meter version of Lorenzo Quinn’s monumental sculpture “Support” is on display at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid (2-13 December) to remind participants of rising sea levels that...

Greta Thunberg Condemns World Leaders in Emotional Speech at UN

Greta Thunberg has excoriated world leaders for their “betrayal” of young people through their inertia over the climate crisis at a United Nations summit that failed to deliver ambitious new commitments to...

We Must Change Food Production to Save the World, Says Leaked Report

Attempts to solve the climate crisis by cutting carbon emissions from only cars, factories and power plants are doomed to failure, scientists will warn this week.A leaked draft of a report on...

EPA Releases Report Advising Communities to Prepare for Climate Change-Related Disasters

Policymakers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a report in the Federal Register outlining how local communities should start planning for near-future catastrophes associated with climate change.As first reported by...

Indonesia Will Move its Capital from Fast-Sinking Jakarta

Indonesia's president elect announced plans this week to move the country's capital away from Jakarta, reportedly the fastest sinking city in the world.A 2018 report said that Jakarta, located on the island...

Extreme Weather and Climate Events Affected 62m People in 2018

Extreme weather and climate events affected 62 million people in 2018.That’s the conclusion reached in a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which warns the physical signs and socio-economic impacts...

Heineken Brews Up Water Reduction Pledge

Heineken has pledged to reduce its water usage and treat 100% of the water used for brewing by 2030. Its ‘Every Drop’ water ambitions – developed in support of the UN Sustainable Development...

UN Predicts Dire Future for Planet Unless People Change Their Ways Now

Mother Earth got a bad health report from the United Nations this week, and the scientific team that conducted the exam didn’t shirk from delivering the bad news. The word “dire” comes...

Australia Plans to Dump More Than 1 Million Tons of Sludge in Great Barrier Reef Waters

The Great Barrier Reef faces yet "another nail in the coffin," Dr. Simon Boxall from the National Oceanography Centre Southampton told BBC News Friday.That is because the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park...



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