Search results for:Wind energy

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From Swords to Solar, a German Town Takes Control of its Energy

The German town of Saerbeck is a swords to solar panels story. Above this former German military ammunition camp, perched atop a metal stem like an oversized stalk of wheat, giant blades...

Georgia Power Signs Off on Major Renewable Energy Commitment

Georgia Power Co. will add 1,600 megawatts of renewable energy to its portfolio by 2021 under an agreement approved Thursday by the state Public Service Commission (PSC). That’s three times what the Atlanta-based...

Record 46% of UK’s Electricity Generated by Clean Energy Sources in 2015

Almost half the UK’s electricity came from clean energy sources such as wind and nuclear power last year, official figures have revealed. Renewables accounted for a quarter of the country’s power supplies in...

To Fight Climate Change, We Need to ‘Uberize’ the Energy Industry

Organizing capital, in isolation, isn’t enough to get hundreds of Elon Musks dedicating themselves to building companies that develop critical new wind, solar, nuclear and battery technology. In June, Hemant Taneja attended a breakfast...

Efficiency, Clean Energy Put Dent in CO2 Emissions

Americans are using less electricity as buildings become more energy-efficient and industrial power demand weakens, and a new report says that is leading to three trends: Declining carbon dioxide emissions, low electric...

Victoria Approves State’s Largest Windfarm Project

Victoria has approved a $650m, 96-turbine windfarm that will be the largest in the state as it bids to become the nation’s renewable energy leader. The approval of the Dundonnell project means 300...

A Thirst for Power: The Water-Energy Nexus

We all know that when you mix water and electricity, the results are shocking, but there’s an important connection between the two that goes beyond the potential for bathroom tragedy. But here’s what’s...

Helping to Deliver Egypt’s Renewable Energy Vision

Egypt has set ambitious targets for the roll-out and expansion of renewable generation and transmission infrastructure over the next few years. And ABB is in an excellent position to help the country...

Here Is Why Google Is Buying a Crazy Amount of Clean Energy

Google just closed on a deal to buy a significant amount of clean energy from two new wind farms that will be built in Norway and Sweden to help power its data...

Siemens to Supply Wind Turbines for Onshore Project in Norway

Siemens has received an order to supply, install and commission 50 onshore wind turbines in Norway. Project developers are Zephyr AS and Norsk Vind Energi AS. Funds managed by BlackRock are providing...

Senate passes Renewable Energy Bill, Setting Talks for July

An energy bill passed 39-0 by the Senate Thursday evening would require the solicitation of long-term contracts for at least 2,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2027 as part of an effort...

Solar Energy to Power India of the Future

The World Bank Group is moving to help India deliver on its unprecedented plans to scale up solar energy, from installing solar panels on rooftops to setting up massive solar parks. This...

Amendments to German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) Take Shape

The German cabinet finalized the details of what will become known as the EEG 2016 on the 8th of June. The proposals will be voted on in the Bundestag before the summer break,...

Average Costs for Solar and Wind Electricity Could Fall 59% by 2025

Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 15 June 2016 – The average costs for electricity generated by solar and wind technologies could decrease by between 26 and 59 per cent by 2025, according to a...

Australia’s Momentum Continues to Build Toward Renewable Energy Target

Australia’s Clean Energy Council insists momentum continues to build for the country’s renewable energy sector as it progresses toward its 2020 Renewable Energy Target. According to a new analysis of the progress of Australia’s...

Report Shows that Renewable Energy Smashes Global Records in 2015

An upsurge in new wind, solar and hydro plants and capacity saw renewable energy smash global records last year, according to a report on new supply. Some 147 Gigawatts of renewable electricity came...



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