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City of London Grants ClientEarth £100,000 to Expand Air Pollution Work

ClientEarth has been awarded £100,000 to expand its work tackling air pollution in the UK capital by the City of London Corporation's charity arm, City Bridge Trust. Announced late last week, the funding...

IKEA UK Reveals Sustainable Product Sales Surge

IKEA has achieved zero waste status across its UK and Ireland operations alongside strong sales growth for its 'sustainable life at home products', according to its sustainability report for 2016. Published today, the...

The World Economic Forum Focus on Climate Change

The World Economic Forum is devoting 15 sessions of its 2017 annual meeting to climate change, and nine more to clean energy - the most ever on the issues. It reflects how much...

GIZ in Germany Is Climate Nutral

For the first time, the greenhouse gas emissions of the company’s operations in Germany have been offset through a GIZ self-initiated climate change mitigation project. As a federally-owned enterprise and service provider for...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Wind Power Now Runs All Electric Passenger Trains in the Netherlands

All of the electric passenger trains running in the Netherlands are now powered entirely by wind. One year ahead of schedule, Dutch railway company NS announced its entire electric train fleet is...

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey Rank as Best States for Clean Energy Corporates

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey are the best states in the US for procuring clean energy, a new study from the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and the Information Technology Industry Council...

U.S. Solar Lobbying Group Names ‘Bridge Builder’ as New Leader

The U.S. solar industry's top lobbying group named energy policymaker Abigail Ross Hopper as its new chief executive, pledging pragmatism as the sector prepares to work with an incoming president who has...

Solar Energy Growing Fast, but Night Time is Still a Problem

The idea that solar power may soon be everywhere isn’t nutty anymore. The price of solar panels has plunged more than 80% in the past five years and is expected to keep...

China and India Tipped for Multi-Billion Dollar Renewables Investment Surge

The Asian renewables market can expect a dual boost this year, as the Chinese and Indian governments both look to step up investment in clean energy infrastructure. According to Reuters' reports, China's energy...

France Submits 2050 Emission Reduction Plan to the UN

France has become the fifth country to submit plans to the United Nations detailing how it plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions through to 2050, setting a 75 per cent emissions reduction...

Spain Announces Tender for 3 GW of Renewables

Spain’s government has announced it will launch a technology neutral auction for 3 GW of renewable energy capacity at the start of this year. The announcement came from energy minister Alvaro Nadal...

Taxi GPS Data Could Unsnarl Traffic in Developing Regions, World Bank Says

In most cities, some portion of that traffic has typically been made up of taxis and, more recently, cars linked to ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft. But could these cars help...

Strengthen Cooperation on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

UN Environment Deputy Executive Director, Ibrahim Thiaw and the Secretary-General of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, Patrick I. Gomes signed recently, in the margins of the joint ACP-EU...

First US Petcoke-To-Methanol Plant With Carbon Capture Tech Gets DOE Loan Guarantees

On the shortest day of 2016, the US Department of Energy announced that it has made the “first ever offer for a conditional commitment” of loan guarantees under its Advanced Fossil Energy...

Invest in EU: EUR 438 Million to Support Renewable Energy in Belgium

The European Investment Bank (EIB) will support the construction of the Norther wind farm off the Belgian coast with a loan of EUR 438 million. Half of this amount will be guaranteed...



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