Search results for:air emissions

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Heineken Cruises Ahead with Low Carbon Barge Transport Pilot

Heineken is set to begin transporting its beer for export along Dutch canals as part of a joint project aimed at demonstrating the benefits of using low carbon barge transportation. The brewing giant...

ALEKSANDAR JOVOVIC: The Key Problem Is the Situation in the Society and in Public

Our interlocutor is Aleksandar Jovovic, a full professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The focus in research and scientific work of the Professor Jovovic is process engineering and...

China Will Delay its Electric Car Mandate until 2019

German newspaper Handelsblattr is reporting that a meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese premier Li Keqiang in Berlin on Thursday led to an important new agreement regarding electric car sales...

M&S Targets Zero Waste and 90 Per Cent CO2 Cut in New ‘Plan A 2025’

Marks & Spencer unveiled a raft of ambitious zero waste and CO2 reduction targets across its business and supply chains with the launch of its new Plan A 2025 sustainability programme today. Under...

German and Italian Firms Join Forces on Hydrogen Bus Development

A group of German and Italian public transit companies are seeking tenders for the development of 63 hydrogen fuel cell buses as part of an EU-funded low emission transport project to help...

David Suzuki: Plastic Pollution Is Choking the Planet

People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet's life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we're doing to the biosphere—from climate change to water and air...

These Two Words Can Solve the Climate Crisis

If you want to see a solution to the climate crisis in your lifetime, they might be the two most important words you hear this year: carbon pricing. Sure, the crisis is a...

Solar Energy Brings A Ray Of Hope To Salt Farmers In Gujarat

A vast majority of India's salt comes from Gujarat's Little Rann of Kutch desert. Here, about 43,000 salt farmers, mostly women, work in brutal heat to produce salt from briny tidal water....

Australia leaps up global renewable energy investment rankings

Australia has leaped up the rankings of the most attractive countries for renewable energy investment, thanks to the record sums of more than $7.5 billion committed to large-scale wind and solar, not...

Tesco Pledges to go 100 Per Cent Renewable Powered by 2030

Tesco has become the latest high profile name to join the growing list of major corporations pledging to source 100 per cent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2030 as part...

C40 Cities Work Together To Invest In Clean Buses

Travelling up to ten times further than the average passenger vehicle, urban buses are a significant source of pollution, impacting local air quality and global carbon emissions. By 2030, urban bus activity...

EP100: H&M Dresses for Energy-Saving Success

Fashion retail giant and US-based LED lighting manufacturer Cree have become the latest two high profile firms to pledge to double their energy productivity under the EP100 initiative. The EP100 scheme, which is led...

San Francisco Goodwill Taps BYD To Supply 11 Zero-Emission Electric Trucks To Bay Area

The San Francisco Goodwill, with support from the California Air Resources Board and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, has awarded BYD a contract for 11 electric trucks into its operations...

Metro Mayors Urged to Turn UK Cities Green

Across the UK yesterday voters go to the polls to elect the first six 'Metro Mayors' to take charge of some of the country's largest city regions. The Mayors, who together will create...

Mayors Take Bold Step Toward 100% Clean Energy

Mayors from across the nation joined with the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign Wednesday to announce a new effort to engage and recruit mayors to endorse a goal of transitioning to...

Apple Pledges to Pursue Use of 100 Per Cent Recycled Materials

Apple is aiming to use 100 per cent recycled materials to make its iPhones, Macbooks, and other electronics products in future in a bid to reduce its reliance on mined raw materials,...



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