Search results for:energy efficient

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New development could lead to more effective light bulbs

US researchers say they have developed a technique that can significantly improve the efficiency of the traditional incandescent light bulb. These older bulbs have been phased out in many countries because they...

China to Halt New Coal Mine Approvals Amid Pollution Fight

China will stop approving new coal mines for the next three years and continue to trim production capacity as the world’s biggest energy consumer tries to shift away from the fuel as...

Siemens to supply 126 megawatts to onshore wind power plants in Scotland

Siemens has been awarded orders for three onshore wind projects in Scotland, supplying up to 50,000 households in South and North Ayrshire and Lockerbie. The contracts also include long-term service and maintenance....

EBRD boosts steel dust recycling in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is promoting industrial waste recycling in Turkey with a US$ 20 million loan to Befesa Silvermet İskenderun Çelik Tozu Geri Dönüşümü A.Ş., a company...

Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth

Following more than a decade of aggressive growth, global coal demand has stalled, the International Energy Agency said Friday in its annual coal market report. The report sharply lowered its five-year global...


StrategiesThe National Renewable Energy Action Plan of The Republic of Serbia (NAPOIE) (28.06.2013) is a document that encourages investments in renewable energy sources (RES), and in which the goals for the use...


LawsLegal regulations in the field of energy were changed in April 2021 when the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted two laws: the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources...


Biomass – the most widespread and inefficiently used source of energyLimited resources of fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect that man has created, bring us back to sustainable fuels. Biomass is a...



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