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Number 17 – December 2019

Although number 17 is on the cover, this is a small anniversary of our Magazine, given that it is the 10th issue since we redesigned our bulletin into Magazine and started printing...

Farewell to Long Charging and Short Radius

Cities around the world face the challenge of finding solutions for public transportation that can reduce harmful gas emissions and noise, and at the same time reduce operating costs to a minimum....

How Powering Food Storage Could End Hunger

In our fight against global warming, energy efficiency is the low-hanging fruit of cutting carbon emissions. It reduces the need to produce more energy and is quick, easy and inexpensive. The goal...

Polluting Our Soils Is Polluting Our Future

Soil is a finite resource, meaning its loss and degradation is not recoverable within a human lifespan. Soils affect the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, our...

Christmas Jumpers Add to Plastic Pollution Crisis

Britons’ love of novelty Christmas jumpers is helping to fuel the world’s plastic pollution crisis, a report has warned.Whether emblazoned with flashing lights or alpine motifs, 12m jumpers are set to be...

Don’t Pursue Economic Growth at Expense of Environment – Report

Pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment is no longer an option as Europe faces “unprecedented” challenges from climate chaos, pollution, biodiversity loss and the overconsumption of natural resources, according...

EU Member States Add More Climate Policies

The EEA briefing ‘More national climate policies expected, but how effective are the existing ones?’ analyses EU Member States actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve climate and energy targets. The...

Textiles EU’s Fourth Largest Cause of Environmental Pressures After Food, Housing, Transport

Consumption of clothing, footwear and household textiles in the European Union (EU) uses annually about 1.3 tonnes of raw materials and more than 100 cubic metres of water per person, according to...

Why Mercury Still Poses Important Threats to Human Health

In July, a 47-year-old woman showed up at the emergency department of her local hospital in Sacramento, California. Her speech was slurred, she couldn’t walk, and she was unable to feel her...

Dumped Fishing Gear Is Biggest Plastic Polluter in Ocean, Finds Report

Lost and abandoned fishing gear which is deadly to marine life makes up the majority of large plastic pollution in the oceans, according to a report by Greenpeace.More than 640,000 tonnes of...

Better Latte Than Never… Compostable Coffee Pods Go on Sale

The first compostable one-cup coffee pods from a major manufacturer will go on sale this week in a battle to stop the 20bn pods used every year around the world from ending...

Bus-Sized Fatberg Weighing 40 Tonnes Cleared from London Sewer

A 40-tonne fatberg the size of a double-decker bus has been cleared from a London sewer by Thames Water engineers who pulled out some of it by hand.The mass of fat, grease...

Protecting Europe’s Land and Soil Resources Is Fundamental for a Sustainable Future

Land and soil underpin life on our planet. The way we currently use these vital and finite resources in Europe is not sustainable. Human activities — growing cities and infrastructure networks, intensive...

Iberia and the World Tourism Organization Team Up for Sustainable Tourism

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, and the CEO of Iberia, Luis Gallego, have signed a cooperation agreement in favour of sustainable tourism, at the headquarters of the...

How Global Tourism Can Be More Sustainable

One of the world’s biggest economic activities, tourism drives wealth, employment, and regional development. In 2018, international tourist arrivals reached 1.4 billion, while total export earnings from international tourism reached USD 1.7 trillion,...

Every Man Who Loves Nature Is My Brother

He said that Indians are the only people who live in harmony with nature, that we are in desperate need of every grain from the field that we do not leave a...



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