Search results for: greenhouse gas emissions

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District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels

Heating homes and offices without adding to the dangers of climate change is a major challenge for many cities, but re-imagined district heating is now offering an answer. A district heating scheme is...

Sweden Hails New Climate Act as ‘Most Ambitious in the World’

Sweden's ambitious new climate change legislation entered into force this week, setting out a framework for the Scandinavian nation to become a net zero greenhouse gas emitter by 2045. The new Climate Act,...

Low-Carbon Electricity Outstrips Fossil Fuel Electricity in 2017

2017 was a record-breaking year for clean electricity in the UK, with new analysis from Carbon Brief today revealing more power came from low-carbon sources than all fossil fuels combined for the...

Miroslav Tadić: The United Nations Strongly Support the Transition of Serbia towards Ecomobility

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is helping the transition of the Republic of Serbia through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define priority areas of development in the...

Ice Will Return but Extinctions Can’t Be Reversed. We Must Act now

We have to develop digital forecasts of species’ responses to climate change, design robust strategies to protect as many as possible, and help nature to adapt. Each day increasingly dangerous hurricanes, wildfires, and...

CCC Calls for Deep Waste and Energy CO2 Cuts in Wales’ Carbon Budgets

The UK's Committee on Climate Change has today given its recommendations for CO2 cuts in Wales over the next decade, setting out how the region can play a leading role in tackling...

Survey: Quarter of Brits More Worried About Climate Change in 2017

After a year which has seen the world hit by a series of devastating weather events and President Trump announce plans to pull out of the Paris Agreement, UK adults are now...

How Cities Can Meat the Climate Challenge

Addressing a crowd of mayors gathered in his hometown last week, former President Obama called on the "new faces of American leadership" on climate change to take swift action to spare our...

20 Companies Pledge to Phase Out Coal

Twenty companies including Unilever and the Virgin Group announced on Tuesday that they will phase out usage of coal in order to combat climate change. The companies announced their decision at the One...

November Winds Provided Three Quarters of Scotland’s Power Needs, Data Shows

Strong November winds helped generate more than three quarters of Scotland's electricity needs for the month, once again demonstrating the "success story" of the renewables sector north of the border. Data released today...

Why Remote Antarctica Is so Important in a Warming World

Ever since the ancient Greeks speculated a continent must exist in the south polar regions to balance those in the north, Antarctica has been popularly described as remote and extreme. Over the...

World Is Set to Warm 3.4°C By 2100

By approaching 2100, a world set for 3.4˚C will, on present trends, probably be the reality confronting our descendants—slightly less warm than looked likely a year ago, analysts think. That's the good...

Developers Complete First Block 1,021 Megawatt Miraah Solar Plant For Oman Oilfield

Petroleum Development Oman and GlassPoint Solar announced earlier this month the completion of the first block of one of the world’s largest solar plants, the 1,021 megawatt Miraah solar plant that will...

National Climate Report Finds Virtually ALL Global Temperature Rise Since 1950 Caused By Human Activity

The National Climate Report is an annual assessment mandated by Congress. This year’s report has just been released and it contains this stunning finding — virtually all of the observed increase in...

New Zealand is Planning to Plant 100 Million Trees

New Zealand's incoming government is hoping to make the nation greener by planting 100 million trees each year, ensuring the electricity grid runs entirely from renewable energy, and spending more money on...

Inaugural Island Renewable Energy Initiative Meeting Held In Maldives

The inaugural meeting of the Island Renewable Energy Initiative (IRIE) was recently held in Malé, Maldives, in partnership with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) — bringing together senior officials and ministers...



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