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Could Biomimicry Revolutionise Renewable Energy?

A host of new technologies have been inspired by the natural world, as designers increasingly look to biomimicry when to creating new ideas for wind turbines, solar cells and hydropower. So could...

Scottish Tories Look to Quash Hopes of Onshore Wind Revival

Hopes that a Conservative government could open the door for new onshore wind projects outside of England were dealt a blow late last week, after the Scottish Conservatives' manifesto underlined the party's...

Dams Significantly Impact Global Carbon Cycle, New Study Finds

There are an estimated 84,000 dams in the U.S., blocking more than 17 percent of rivers in the nation. Dams are interrupting wildlife habitats, damaging the ecosystem and impacting the global climate...

38,000 People a Year Die Early Because of Diesel Emissions Testing Failures

The global human health impact of the diesel emissions scandal has been revealed by new research showing a minimum of 38,000 people a year die early due to the failure of diesel...

Australia’s Solar Capacity Reaches 6 Gigawatts, Is Expected To Double By 2020

Australia’s total solar power capacity has reached 6GW and is expected to double over the next few years as Australian households continue to invest in rooftop panels to reduce electricity bills, and...

NOAA Reports Disturbing New Global Temperature Record Set In March

A new global temperature mark has been set. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tracks global surface temperatures and categorizes them by the presence or absence of influence by an El Niño...

How 3 Women Are Changing The World With Solar Energy

 Given the transformative potential of solar power to address growing concerns about climate change, pollution, and sustainable energy integration, as well as to effectively harness the unique skills of women, it is...

Scientists Say Only 10 Years Left to Save the Planet

The planet, as we know it, has been given a deadline: 10 years. According to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, if humans don't reduce greenhouse gas emissions drastically and maintain...

Scotland Sets Wind Record, Provides Enough Electricity for 3.3 Million Homes in March

Slowly but surely, it is becoming fact that households and entire countries can run on clean, renewable energy. Costa Rica, for instance, ran on renewable energy sources for 285 days in 2015...

CO2 Levels Heading Back to the Days of the Dinosaur

 If humans burn all the fossil fuels at their disposal—and this could happen in the next two centuries—researchers predict that the planetary atmosphere would match the one that witnessed the days of...

5 Ways China Is Becoming the Global Leader on Climate Change

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt called the Paris agreement a "bad deal." He claimed China has made no significant efforts to curb carbon pollution, while the...

American Fern Inspires Groundbreaking New Solar Storage Solution

Energy storage has been a leading obstacle to widespread adoption of solar energy, but that may be about to change. A new nature-inspired electrode developed by two scientists at RMIT University in...

How Wind Energy Helps to Conserve Water

The world is entering a new energy era, where consumption of renewable energy sources seems to be the only way to conserve nature and save life on the planet. By now, everybody knows...

Another Milestone For Renault: 100,000th Leased Electric Vehicle Battery

Renault’s customers are partial to leasing their batteries, an option that very few electric car producers have offered. There are certainly pros and cons to leasing the battery versus buying it as...

Radmila Šerović: Waste Materials of One Industry Will Become Raw Materials of Another

The Chief of the Department for Waste Management at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is Ms Radmila Šerović who has been working in the state administration since 2002. More precisely,...

Stopping Global Warming is Only Way to Save Great Barrier Reef, Scientists Warn

The survival of the Great Barrier Reef hinges on urgent moves to cut global warming because nothing else will protect coral from the coming cycle of mass bleaching events, new research has...



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