Search results for:climate action

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Energy Pathway to Net Zero by 2050

The world has a viable pathway to building a global energy sector with net-zero emissions in 2050, but it is narrow and requires an unprecedented transformation of how energy is produced, transported...

Taking the Pressure off the Water Industry with Digitalization

Traditional water and wastewater utility systems weren’t built for the dramatically changing stresses of climate change and rapid urbanization. Therefore, the risk that ageing infrastructure brings – both in terms of potential...

Global Assessment: Urgent Steps Must be Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions this Decade

A Global Methane Assessment released today by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) shows that human-caused methane emissions can be reduced by up to...

Winning Combination in Cyprus

The sunniest country in this part of the world, with only a couple of dozen cloudy days throughout a year, is situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. Its beauty,...

Time to Decarbonize Transport for a Green, Resilient and Inclusive Recovery

At a time when we face enormous challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is heartening to see the world mobilizing as never before to tackle the looming crisis of global...

Collaborative Partnership on Forests Calls for Halt to Deforestation

A group of 15 international organizations working on forestry today issued a joint statement highlighting the need to halt the destruction of the world’s forests. The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) comprises UN...

The National Assembly adopted four laws in the field of energy and mining

 Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted four laws in the field of mining and energy, including two new laws - the Law on the Use of Renewable...

How Global Tourism Can Become More Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient

Tourism was one of the sectors hit hardest by the global pandemic. Year 2020 was the worst year on record for international travel due to the global pandemic, with countries taking decisive action...

What the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy Brings

Recently, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted four draft laws, among them the Draft Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. The aim of enacting this law is...

ABB and Amazon Web Services steer fleets to an all-electric future

ABB and Amazon Web Services (AWS), an, Inc. company, announced a collaboration to jointly develop a cloud-based digital solution for the real-time fleet management of electric vehicles (EVs). The solution will...

How to Value and Preserve Water

Thinking big to protect the world’s biggest natural capital asset Water, the source of life - celebrated on World Water Day  – is under pressure from climate change. With some regions becoming drier...

Dozens of US cities are banning natural gas hookups in new buildings

A fight over legislation banning gas hookups in new buildings is exploding across the country, a Seattle Times and InsideClimate News joint investigation found. In the summer of 2019., Berkley, California, became the first city in the...

Green Shoots: Are COVID-19 Recovery Funds Helping the Environment?

In the last year, governments have pledged trillions of dollars in COVID-19 relief, creating what some observers have called a once-in-a-generation chance to make planet-friendly investments—and save the Earth from a looming...

2021: it’s Now or Never for Mediterranean Wetlands

It’s World Wetlands Day on 2 February – and there has never been a more important time for us to take stock of what’s being celebrated and why. That’s because the future...

Rio Tinto announces Board changes

Rio Tinto Chairman Simon Thompson has informed the Board that he will not seek re-election as a non-executive director at the 2022 annual general meetings (AGMs) of Rio Tinto plc and Rio...

Innovation and Market Reform Needed to Drive Japan’s Clean Energy Transition, IEA Policy Review Finds

New report notes Japan’s success in making its energy system more resilient and sustainable, but says reaching carbon-neutrality by 2050 requires quick action now. Japan will need to move quickly to make headway...



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