Search results for:energy efficient

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Solar-Powered Farm From a Box is a Compact Farm Kit that Feeds 150 People

Two acres of land is enough to farm a sustainable food supply for as many as 150 people, and now a San Francisco startup is making it even easier to get that...

Kansas University Students Build Net-Zero Home with LEED Platinum and Passive House Certification

Most school projects don’t move past campus grounds, but that’s not the case for the works of Kansas University’s (KU) Studio 804. Every year, students of the graduate level architecture studio design...

Australian Government Says New Efficiency Standards Could Cut Fuel Spending by $28bn

New standards could reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by up to 65m tonnes by 2030, government claims. The Turnbull government has opened discussions on new fuel efficiency standards for vehicles which it says...

No, Coal Isn’t Coming Back: the Reasons in 5 Charts

The coal industry is on the decline, but the reason for that decline has become a subject of political debate. Supporters of fossil fuels blame the energy policies of the outgoing Obama...

SunPower Shuts Plant, Cuts Jobs 25 Percent to Survive Solar Slump

SunPower Corp. is following through with a planned restructuring effort that will reduce its workforce by 25 percent to cut costs after solar prices plunged in an oversupplied market. The second-biggest U.S. panel-maker...

European Support for Cheaper and Cleaner Heat and Power in Lithuania

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 190 million loan agreement with Lietuvos Energija for the greenfield construction of new combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plant in Vilnius. The project is expected to...

KfW IPEX-Bank Finances new BMW Group Production Facility in Mexico

Together with DZ BANK and BayernLB, KfW IPEX-Bank has closed the syndicated financing for the BMW Group's new plant in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Each of the three banks is contributing an...

EBRD and EIB provide €46.5 million loan each for power transmission in Tunisia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) – the EU Bank - are supporting vital developments required for a reliable and efficient operation of the...

99-MW Oliver Wind III Project in North Dakota Due for Operation in December

Oliver Wind III LLC, in a Nov. 4 filing of its decommissioning plan for the 99.3-MW Oliver Wind III Wind Energy Center in Morton and Oliver counties, North Dakota, told the North...

Activism around the World: Highlights from November 2016

Each year Global Greengrants Fund makes over 700 grants to environmental activists around the world, helping to support grassroots initiatives to protect the planet and the rights of the people who call...

Advanced Coal Technologies Could Provide Carbon Relief

Coal is not clean. But that does not mean that it could not be made cleaner. And that’s relevant because much of the developing world will remain dependent on coal, as will...

Program of metrological support for Gazprom’s operations approved for 2017–2021

The Gazprom Management Committee approved the Comprehensive Targeted Program of metrological support for the Company's operations between 2017 and 2021. The Program is aimed at further improving the quality of metering Gazprom's gas...

GE Enhances Digital Power Plant Software and Extends Reliability and Efficiency Apps to Hydropower and the Electricity Grid

GE announced two days ago a significant expansion of its suite of Predix -based software for power producers, grid operators and energy managers. GE’s latest release of Digital Power Plant software for gas,...

Batteries from junkyard scrap metal and household chemicals?

The increasing importance of batteries for electric cars, renewable energy, and consumer electronics has researchers looking for alternatives to the currently-dominant lithium-ion chemistry. But could one of those alternatives be a combination of...

EIB provides EUR 100m to Gruppo Dolomiti Energia with an EFSI guarantee

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is supporting Gruppo Dolomiti Energia's 2017-2020 development plan with a EUR 100m loan. The operation will be guaranteed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the...

Agreement on a 5 MW biomass fired heat plant delivery to Rantasalmi, Finland

The new plant replaces the existing boiler plant which has been in operation since 1980. Located in Susimäki industrial park, the plant produces district heat to Rantasalmi downtown area and process heat...



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