Search results for:climate action

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Soaring E-waste Affects the Health of Millions of Children, WHO Warns

Effective and binding action is urgently required to protect the millions of children, adolescents and expectant mothers worldwide whose health is jeopardized by the informal processing of discarded electrical or electronic devices...

New Research Shows Food System is Responsible for a Third of Global Anthropogenic Emissions

The world’s food system is responsible for a third of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to new research by a team led by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and...

Ministry for Innovation and Technology of Hungary and Energy Community Secretariat team up to Support Green Transition in the Western Balkans

The Ministry for Innovation and Technology of Hungary through its development agency of the Western Balkans Green Center (WBGC) and the Vienna-based Energy Community Secretariat joined efforts to help the Western Balkans...

Clean Seas Campaign Promotes the Right to a Healthy Environment, Including Plastic-Free Oceans

On World Oceans Day 2021, UNEP’s Clean Seas Campaign renews its global efforts to tackle marine litter and plastic pollution, now with a focus on how individuals can use both national and...

Tons of toxic microplastics are covering Sri Lanka’s western coastline

Sri Lanka is facing one of the worst environmental disasters in its history after tons of plastic pellets have washed ashore near its capital devastating kilometers of pristine beaches and threatening marine...

Stop Destroying our Ocean

European countries claim to want to protect the ocean and restore biodiversity in this ecological and climate emergency. As such, the EU must finally phase out destructive fishing practices, starting with an...

IRENA Members Welcome New Framework on Just and Inclusive Energy Transition

Representatives from over 50 IRENA member countries gathered for the first meeting of the Collaborative Framework for Just and Inclusive Energy Transitions. The meeting took place during the last week’s IRENA Council...

A year after the Norilsk disaster, where are Russia’s oil risks and what needs to be done?

Almost everyone in Russia has heard about the Norilsk accident. In May 2020, more than 20 thousand tonnes of diesel fuel seeped into the soil and water on the Taymyr peninsula in...

World Needs USD 8.1 Trillion Investment in Nature by 2050 to Tackle Triple Planetary Crisis

A total investment in nature of USD 8.1 trillion is required between now and 2050 – while annual investment should reach USD 536 billion annually by 2050 – in order to successfully...

Thacker Pass Lithium Mine Opposed By 4 Conservation Groups

With 4 conservation and public accountability groups filing for a preliminary injunction in the Federal District Court in Reno, the construction of the Thacker Pass lithium mine has taken center stage. The motion for...

Nature Loss Threatens Global Economy

The ongoing loss of natural spaces, including forests, has become a systemic risk for the global economy, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and several partners. Over the...

Seagrass meadows, coral reefs and destructive fishing

A remote area in the middle of the Indian Ocean, between the Seychelles and Mauritius, this underwater plateau the size of Belgium is home to the world’s largest seagrass meadow, some of...

Spain’s Extensive Policy Plans Set to Help Underpin a Successful Energy Transition Powered by Renewables and Efficiency

Spain has made considerable progress towards its goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but future gains need to be supported by stable policies, adequate public financing and incentives for private...

BMW Wants To Produce 10 Million Electric Vehicles By 2030

BMW Group has set a goal of reducing its CO2 emissions by over 200 million tonnes by the year 2030. Earlier this month the company announced this goal at its Annual General...

Greenpeace: Stop Deep Sea Mining Before It Begins

In March 2021, the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior set sail to a place called the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean to stop an emerging ocean threat – deep sea mining...

How Rivals Can Work Together to Stop Plastic Waste

Rivals – traditionally - tend not to work together. This approach can help companies stay distinct as one-of-a-kind innovators and maintain competitive advantages. It can even protect consumers’ interests. Legislation exists across...



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