Search results for:air emissions

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EPA Estimates Rolling Back Clean Power Plan Could Cause 100,000 Deaths By 2050

In its mania to prove how horrible the Clean Power Plan is, the EPA has rejiggered the numbers and found — the Clean Power Plan could save more lives than the Obama...

Yingli Solar Panels Will Help Low Income Villages in China

People assume that the booming economy in China over the past 30 years has made all Chinese citizens wealthy. Nothing could be further from the truth. In Zhangbei County, just 150 miles...

Mayor Sadiq Khan Confirms 2019 Early Start Date for Ultra-Low Emission Zone

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has confirmed the capital's planned Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) will enter into force more than a year earlier than originally planned, on April 8 2019.The ULEZ, which will...

Atmospheric Methane Levels Rose Rapidly In 2016, Scientists Claim To Not Understand Why

Atmospheric methane levels rose fairly rapidly in 2016, as did atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (which saw the yearly average rise up to 403.3 parts per million), according to a new report from...

Greener School Buildings Could Save Taxpayers £2.6bn a Year

If all the UK's school buildings were replaced with the most energy efficient alternatives taxpayers would save £2.6bn a year from the schools budget, new research has revealed. A paper released yesterday by...

Hotels Must Cut Carbon Footprint by 90 Per Cent to Meet Paris Goals, Industry Leaders Admit

The hotel industry must eliminate 90 per cent of its carbon emissions by 2050 if the sector is to stay within the limits set out under the Paris climate agreement. That is the...

Last Saturday, Every Fourth Light Bulb in Europe was Powered by the Wind

As you settled down to watch Strictly Come Dancing last Saturday evening there was a one in four chance your TV was being powered by the wind. Trade body WindEurope confirmed yesterday that...

ALEKSANDRA ĐURĐEVIĆ Although There Are Neither Chargers nor Incentives in Serbia, Drivers Are Thrilled with BMW Electric and Hybrid Cars

At this year’s Car Show in Belgrade, Delta Motors not only presented visitors a wide range of BMW’s electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars but also decided to place these vehicles on...

China Declares War On Polluters — Shutters 40% Of Factories

China is getting serious about curbing pollution. According to sources, up to 40% of its factories have been closed at least temporarily recently as the country has struggled to meet its year-end...

The Netherlands Will Miss 2020 Renewables Targets, Government Review Shows

Despite recent investments into new wind energy capacity, the Netherlands will miss its 2020 targets for renewables and greenhouse gas emissions reductions by a fair margin, according to a government review published...

12 Global Cities Commit to Create Green and Healthy Streets By 2030

On Monday, the mayors of London, Paris, Los Angeles, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Quito, Vancouver, Mexico City, Milan, Seattle, Auckland and Cape Town committed to a series of ambitious targets to make their cities...

IDVORSKY ELECTRIC TRACTOR: Our Idea for a Sustainable Future

The road that Dalibor Marković, Nikola Popov and Ivan Jovanov have passed since the first mentioning of an electric tractor till today is pervaded through struggle, learning, research, satisfaction, enthusiasm and disappointments,...

Regreening The Earth Could Lower Carbon Levels As Much As Ending Use Of Fossil Fuels

There’s a new study out spearheaded by The Nature Conservancy and published in the Proceedings Of The National Academy of Sciences which presents a series of 20 steps that can be taken...

Inaugural Island Renewable Energy Initiative Meeting Held In Maldives

The inaugural meeting of the Island Renewable Energy Initiative (IRIE) was recently held in Malé, Maldives, in partnership with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) — bringing together senior officials and ministers...

Australian Government Walks Away From Clean Energy Target

Australia’s Federal Government this week announced a new energy policy that walks away from introducing a post-2020 Clean Energy Target of 42% in favor of a National Energy Guarantee that puts the...

Mayor Sadiq Khan Launches Cleaner Vehicle Checker

London Mayor Sadiq Khan yesterday launched a new online Cleaner Vehicle Checker, designed to make it easier for motorists to assess the real world emissions released by new vehicles. Launched just days ahead...



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