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AMSTERDAM: Mobilize for a Clean, Prosperous Future

Amsterdam has ambitious aspirations to slash its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), phase out fossil fuels, and usher in a clean energy future. The city’s sustainability vision is panoramic in scope, encompassing the management...

IEA: World Can Reach ‘Net Zero’ Emissions by 2060 to Meet Paris Climate Goals

Global emissions can be pushed down to "net zero" by 2060 to meet the climate goals of the Paris agreement, said the International Energy Agency (IEA). For the first time, the 29-member intergovernmental...

Vietnamese 800 Megawatt Phu Cuong Wind Farm Gets Official Go-Ahead

Seven months after it was first proposed the massive 800 megawatt Vietnamese Phu Cuong Wind Farm has been officially formalized under a $2 billion Joint Development Agreement between GE Renewable Energy, Mainstream...

Renewable Energy Provides Record Share of Australia’s Electricity in 2016

A new report by Australia’s Clean Energy Council has revealed that renewable energy provided a record share of electricity in 2016 thanks in large part to record rainfalls in key hydro catchment...

Could Biomimicry Revolutionise Renewable Energy?

A host of new technologies have been inspired by the natural world, as designers increasingly look to biomimicry when to creating new ideas for wind turbines, solar cells and hydropower. So could...

David Suzuki: Plastic Pollution Is Choking the Planet

People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet's life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we're doing to the biosphere—from climate change to water and air...

Swiss Voters Back Nuclear Phase Out and Renewables Surge

Swiss voters have approved a major new energy reform package, which will see the country phase out nuclear power and deliver a surge in renewables capacity. Final figures from Sunday's referendum on the...

These Two Words Can Solve the Climate Crisis

If you want to see a solution to the climate crisis in your lifetime, they might be the two most important words you hear this year: carbon pricing. Sure, the crisis is a...

Australia leaps up global renewable energy investment rankings

Australia has leaped up the rankings of the most attractive countries for renewable energy investment, thanks to the record sums of more than $7.5 billion committed to large-scale wind and solar, not...

France Preps 17GW Renewables Surge, as German Records Tumble

Just days before he secured his overwhelming victory in France's presidential election, President-Elect Emmanuel Macron's plans to double France's wind and solar capacity by 2022 received a major boost. Late last week the...

KfW Has Been Implementing the Protection of Climate Conditions and Environmental Improvement since 1984

The German Development Bank (KfW) is financially helping Serbia. The investments of KfW bank have reached the level of around 1,711 billion euros, including 887 million euros for the energy sector. These...

In 10 Years, Wind Energy May Be Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels

Breaking news has surfaced in the world of renewable energy sources. In the U.S. alone, a new wind turbine is completed every 2.4 hours, and, in 2016, 5.6 percent of all electricity...

Germany Breaks Record: 85% of Energy Comes From Renewables Last Weekend

Germany's "Energiewende"—the country's low-carbon energy revolution—turned another successful corner last weekend when renewable energy sources nearly stamped out coal and nuclear. Thanks to a particularly breezy and sunny Sunday, renewables such as wind...

DUBRAVKA NEGRE: We Have Invested about 150 Million Euros in Serbia so far

According to all indicators, 2015 was a record year for the EIB investments in climate projects with a total amount exceeding 20 billion euros. In all documents or interactive portals of the...

AC Energy to Add Capacity at Pagudpud Wind Farm

AC ENERGY Holdings, Inc., through a renewable energy development unit, is looking to expand by 69 megawatts (MW) its wind farm in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte to bring the total capacity to 150...

Al-Falih Announces Package of Renewable Energy Projects

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Khalid Al-Falih launched a tender process for the Kingdom’s 300 megawatts Sakaka solar project. He said more wind and solar projects are in the pipeline. Launching...



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