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EBRD and AIFC Launch Study for Green Financial System in Kazakhstan

In a new step to support Kazakhstan’s path towards a greener economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a study that will assess the potential of developing a...

Christian Zinglersen Named as Head of the new Clean Energy Ministerial Secretariat at the IEA

Christian Zinglersen, the Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, was named the first Head of Secretariat for the new Clean Energy Ministerial Secretariat, established at the...

UN Chief Guterres Calls to Curb Climate Change at Davos Forum

Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres yesterday called for a new generation of partnerships with the business community to limit the impact of climate change...

Obama Gives Half A Billion Dollars To UN Climate Fund

Barack Obama has transferred half a billion dollars to the UN’s Green Climate Fund, just three days before Donald Trump’s inauguration.The president-elect has promised to stop all payments to UN global warming programmes.But...

We Produce Biogas and Save up to 140,000 Euros per Year

Plant for the waste water treatment in the Carlsberg beer factory in Čelarevo opened in 2010 in the presence of the top state officials. This brewery is among the first in Serbia...

France’s Energy Transition Is Vital for Energy Security, According to Latest IEA Review

The International Energy Agency (IEA) praised France for setting in motion significant reforms towards more secure, affordable and sustainable energy supplies and the green growth of its economy. Over the past ten years...

VW Group Plans 8 Plug-In Electric Cars for China

As it works to recover from its diesel emission scandal, the Volkswagen Group is rapidly embracing electric cars. By 2025, the company hopes to be selling 1 million electric cars per year,...

The World Economic Forum Focus on Climate Change

The World Economic Forum is devoting 15 sessions of its 2017 annual meeting to climate change, and nine more to clean energy - the most ever on the issues. It reflects how much...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Essen is Europe’s 2017 Green Capital

The German city of Essen is Europe's "Green Capital" in 2017, a title awarded by the European Commission, for its success in transitioning from a heavily polluting mining center to a clean...

VW Unveils the All-Electric Autonomous Microbus of the Future

The VW Microbus is one of the most loved VW models of all time, and now, after years of releasing nothing but concepts, it looks like the automaker is finally ready to...

Solar Energy Growing Fast, but Night Time is Still a Problem

The idea that solar power may soon be everywhere isn’t nutty anymore. The price of solar panels has plunged more than 80% in the past five years and is expected to keep...

France Submits 2050 Emission Reduction Plan to the UN

France has become the fifth country to submit plans to the United Nations detailing how it plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions through to 2050, setting a 75 per cent emissions reduction...

Cornish Village Marks 25 Years of UK Wind Power

From Pam the lollipop lady to the repairs for a storm-battered church roof, the fruits of wind power are not hard to find in Delabole. The residents of this Cornish village have...

Scotland Should Power Ahead with 50 Per Cent Clean Energy Target, Say Campaigners

Green groups have called on Scottish ministers to set an ambitious new target to source half of Scotland's energy needs for electricity, heat and transport from renewable sources by 2030. In October WWF...

KfW First Development Bank to Sign Master Agreement with Green Climate Fund (GCF)

On the occasion of the Green Climate Fund's board meeting, KfW recently  signed a master agreement with the GCF. The complex agreement governs the rights and obligations of the GCF, the accredited...



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