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Australia’s Capital Cities Face Water Restrictions as Dams Near 50%

Sydney, Darwin, Brisbane and Melbourne are all facing the prospect of dams below 50% capacity after low rainfall and high temperatures across the country.In Sydney, inflows are at their lowest since 1940....

Nearly 170m Under-10s Unvaccinated Against Measles Worldwide

Nearly 170 million children in the world under the age of 10, including half a million in the UK and 2.5 million in the US, are unprotected from measles in the face...

New York Is Curbing Food Waste and Helping People in Need with a New Initiative

Last week, Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature reached agreement on one of the most pro-environmental budget sessions in many years.Not surprisingly, Albany’s agreement on a new comprehensive congestion...

100 Million Tree-Planting Initiative Launched By Arbor Day Foundation

The Arbor Day Foundation today announced the launch of its Time for Trees initiative, a commitment to plant 100 million trees in forests and communities worldwide by 2022 – the 150th anniversary...

Car-Free Sundays Are the Norm in Colombia’s Capital City, Bogotá

Imagine your city without cars — every single Sunday. At first, you might be frustrated by the inconvenience and inability to complete errands, but once you embrace the throngs of bikes, recognize...

Russia to Release Hundreds of Illegally Captured Orcas and Belugas from ‘Whale Jail’

Russian authorities have announced that they will release all 97 whales currently being held captive in the country’s Far East.The whales made news in November last year when an aerial drone video...

Smart Homes and Smart Cities Do Not Mean Much Without Smart People

We talked to Professor Branislav Todorovic, Ph.D., about the air conditioning, heating and refrigeration sectors, and his project parameters used for calculation in all projects for heating and air conditioning in the...

The First Solar Plant Owned by the Citizens in Croatia

Even though the price of solar panels is constantly decreasing, a solar plant is still out of most citizens’ budget. However, what if we split its construction costs with 52 people and...

London Gets World’s First 24-Hour Air Pollution Charge Zone

London is the first city in the world to implement a 24-hour, seven day a week Ultra Low Emission Zone, inside which vehicles will have to meet tough emissions standards or face...

Poor Diets Killed 11 Million People in 2017

Poor diet killed 11 million people in 2017, making it a more deadly health risk than smoking, a major new study has found.The finding is part of a Global Burden of Disease...

Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans ‘Costs up to $2.5bn a Year’

Plastic pollution in the world’s oceans costs up to $2.5 billion (£1.9bn) a year in damaged and lost resources. That’s according to a new study published in Marine Pollution Bulletin, which suggests industries...

Strawberries, Spinach and Kale Are Riddled with Pesticides

A diet rich in fruits and veggies is considered to be key to good health. They are low in calories but high in nutrients. Just what the doctor ordered. Or is it?Because...

Air Pollution Linked to Psychotic Experiences in Young People

Young people living with higher levels of air pollution are significantly more likely to have psychotic experiences, according to the first study of the issue.Researchers analysed the experiences of more than 2,000...

Pink and Green Are the Colours of Love!

Sabac is located in the north of northeastern Serbia, and it covers an area of 795 square kilometres inhabited by around 130 thousand people. Its citizens speak proudly about towns’ past –...

UN Predicts Dire Future for Planet Unless People Change Their Ways Now

Mother Earth got a bad health report from the United Nations this week, and the scientific team that conducted the exam didn’t shirk from delivering the bad news. The word “dire” comes...

Green Montenegro

Within the framework of negotiations with the European Union, Montenegro has recently opened Chapter 27 covering the protection of the environment. The Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism of this neighbouring country,...



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