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U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Is Drilling Us Towards Climate Disaster

As the 116th Congress commences, in the wake of dire reports from climate scientists, the debate over U.S. climate policies has taken a welcome turn towards bold solutions. Spurred on by grassroots pressure from Indigenous communities, the...

2018 Was the Hottest Year Ever Recorded for Our Oceans

The year 2018 was the hottest year for the planet's oceans ever since record-keeping began in 1958, according to a worrisome new study from international scientists. The findings, published Wednesday in the journal Advances in Atmospheric...

Production Is Love in the Long Run

Novi Sad-based company “Eko-sistem” creates new products from waste tires: mats for playgrounds, speed bumps, wheels for bins and containers. The possibilities are not exhausted. The recycled tire can change its shape...

600+ Environmental Groups Urge Congress to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

On Thursday more than 600 environmental groups called on the U.S. House of Representatives to pursue ambitious climate legislation that matches the scale and urgency of the climate crisis.The groups' letter calls for a thoughtful...

Pellet Breaks New Paths!

The limitation and harmfulness of fossil fuels in energy production lead humanity towards finding and exploiting alternatives to these dirty energy sources at higher level. Windmills are springing up across our planet,...

Your Christmas Tree Could Be Recycled Into Paint or Sweeteners

Gifts have been opened, cookies have been eaten, Christmas has come and gone. Still, the last vestige of holiday festivities remains: the slowly decaying Christmas tree husk in your living room.Even as...

Making Surroundings Cleaner and more Pleasant for all the Citizens of Vrsac

Dragan Ninkovic, a traffic engineer, had worked at “Autocentar Petrovic” before he got a position of a director of “Parking - Sabac”, the Public Utility Company. He was a member of the...

10 Worst-Case Climate Predictions if We Don’t Keep Global Temperatures Under 1.5 Degrees Celsius

The summer of 2018 was intense: deadly wildfires, persistent drought, killer floods and record-breaking heat. Although scientists exercise great care before linking individual weather events to climate change, the rise in global...

Get Charged in Slavija Square!

On the 1st of March 2018, the doors of the Hilton Belgrade hotel were officially opened to the guests of the Serbian capital. Within the Slavija hotel, there is a modern public...

Environmental Storytelling Can Help Spread Big Ideas for Saving the Planet

Tackling climate change will require huge changes in society. Decarbonizing energy, restoring habitat and making food supply sustainable are all critical, but methods for motivating these actions have typically taken the wrong approach—by highlighting the...

Fossil Fuels and Climate Denial Still Reign in Louisiana Despite Scientists’ Dire Warnings

Louisiana is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change. Even though the state is already feeling the costly impacts to life and property due to extreme weather and an eroding coastline linked to...

Wilo on the Global and Domestic Market – Innovative Solutions in the Production of Pumps and Systems

Recently, the German company Wilo was presented with the renowned National Sustainability Award 2018 thanks to its high-efficiency products and comprehensive approach to sustainability. It seems as a well-deserved triumph to be...

Legal Plastic Content in Animal Feed Could Harm Human Health, Experts Warn

Small bits of plastic packaging from waste food make their way into animal feed as part of the UK’s permitted recycling process.Plastic traces in animal feed could pose a risk to human...

Estimated Savings as a Financing Source for the Projects in Energy Efficiency

For many years, a safe transition from high energy consumption to its efficient use, according to the specific needs of clients, has been provided by “Resalta”, the leader in energy efficiency. Through...

California Becomes First State to Require Solar on New Homes

Sunny California is officially the first state in the nation to require solar panels on most new homes. The California Building Standards Commission unanimously confirmed the standards during a vote on Wednesday, The Mercury News reported. Commissioner Kent Sasaki described...

There Is No Raise of Awareness Without Infrastructure

A certain circle of experts and non-governmental organisations have begun to deal with the circular economy in the last five to seven years. However, most of the academic experts are not familiar...



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