Search results for:Red Sea

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Toxic Blaze: The True Cost of Crop Burning

People around the world are bracing for what has become known as the season of smog. With autumn around the corner, many countries are entering the agricultural crop burning season, where farmers burn...

What Skills do Youth Need for Green Jobs of the Future?

In the next decade, millions of new “green” jobs will be created in new-wave industries, like solar energy, and established fields, like architecture, fashion and farming. For young people, these jobs will represent...

The Unbearable Lightness of Ordering Food

As one would expect, nothing has been the same since last year. When it comes to common activities such as going to work, shopping, or a favourite restaurant, we are slowly getting...

Climate crisis fires burning from the Amazon and Turkey to California

From Turkey to Brazil, and Russia to the US, we’re seeing fires consuming our forests, killing wildlife and threatening our woodlands’ ability to trap and store carbon, a defense against the climate...

Climate Change Widespread, Rapid, and Intensifying – IPCC

Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released today. Many of...

Protecting the Paradise of Praslin Island, Seychelles

For many locals and tourists, Praslin Island in Seychelles is synonymous with paradise. From the white sands of Anse Lazio, frequently voted as one of the top beaches in the world, to...

In Cameroon, plastic pollution is making floods even deadlier

My name is Nathalie Wamja and I am a Greenpeace volunteer based in Douala, Cameroon. I would like to tell you how plastic pollution is wreaking havoc in my community, and causing a...

New Analysis Shows Japan Would Accept U.S. No First Use Policy

As the Biden administration crafts its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), the document laying out the administration’s proposed nuclear weapons doctrine, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) today released new analysis that finds Japan would...

How Technology Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate Talk and Action

As society pressures leaders for a more environmentally-friendly agenda, governments responsible for 63 percent of world emissions have committed to net zero with corporate net-zero commitments covering 12 percent of the global...

Role of Amazon as Carbon Sink Declines: Nature study

Amazonia hosts the Earth’s largest tropical forests and has been shown to be an important carbon sink. This carbon sink seems to be in decline, however, as a result of factors such...

Tesla Patent Application – Process To Extract Lithium From Clay Minerals

On July 8, Tesla submitted a patent application for processes to extract lithium from a clay mineral and its composite elements. Lithium has been at the forefront of many technological changes since the 1990s...

How Countries Are Turning the Tide on Marine Plastic Pollution

More and more countries are joining the Clean Seas campaign to fight against marine litter and plastic pollution. Over 60 countries - both coastal and landlocked - have signed up to this...

ENV.NET – Circular Economy and Climate Change 

The third cycle of the project “ factoring the environmental portfolio for the Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda” (ref. No. 2017 / 394-372) - ENV.net3 was realized in...

Growing Underwater Noise in the Arctic Puts Whales and Other Animals at Risk

Until recently, the Arctic Ocean's ice cover made it a natural “acoustic refuge” for marine animals for much of the year. Many marine animals, including narwhals, belugas, and bowhead whales, rely on clicks,...

In 2020, U.S. Coal Production Fell To Its Lowest Level Since 1965

U.S. coal production totaled 535 million short tons (MMst) in 2020, a 24 percent decrease from the 706 MMst mined in 2019 and the lowest level of coal production in the United...

Sustainability is in Fashion

The concept of fast fashion prevails in the fashion industry. Garments are mass produced, and from harmful materials, and in the process of their creation, many natural resources are consumed. When we...



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