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Memorandum of Cooperation between RES Serbia and UPES

The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (RES Serbia) and the Serbian Energy Law Association (UPES) on 28 December 2021, at the premises of the law firm BDK Attorneys at Law, signed...

EBRD Backs Serbia’s Upgrade of Agricultural Infrastructure

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is supporting Serbia’s efforts to upgrade its agricultural infrastructure and make it more climate resilient. A EUR 15 million EBRD loan will finance the construction...

The first scientific conference within the Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube

The lifelineMDD online mid-term conference, organized by the project team at the end of November, gathered over 100 researchers, scientists, nature conservationists, water management representatives and other participants from Austria, Slovenia, Croatia,...

Sustainable Plastic Management is key to achieve Green Growth for Bangladesh

Sustainable management of plastic will be crucial for Bangladesh to tackle the increasing plastic pollution and ensure green growth, says a new World Bank Report. The ‘Towards a Multisectoral Action Plan for Sustainable...

Coal power’s sharp rebound is taking it to a new record in 2021, threatening net zero goals

The amount of electricity generated worldwide from coal is surging towards a new annual record in 2021, undermining efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and potentially putting global coal demand on course...

Cities Play Pivotal Roles in Europe’s Sustainability Transition

Cities are centers of innovation and economic activity but they also affected by social challenges such as segregation, poverty and inequality. Environmental challenges for cities range from worsening impacts of climate change,...

Energy Efficiency Hub Launched to Boost Cooperation on World’s ‘First Fuel’

The Energy Efficiency Hub – a global platform for collaboration aimed at delivering the social, economic and environmental benefits of more efficient use of energy – was launched on 1 December at...

How Plastic is Infiltrating the World’s Soils

The images are sobering: dead sea birds and choking turtles caught in the plastic that is increasingly flooding into marine ecosystems. In many parts of the world, this type of plastic pollution has...

Study Paves way to Better Understand Causes of Energy Poverty and Proposes Policies for its Mitigation in the Energy Community

The Secretariat published a study on addressing energy poverty in the Energy Community Contracting Parties. The study estimates the number of energy poor households, analyses the legal frameworks for the protection of...

The True Cost of Black Friday

The end of the year is near: a change in seasons and celebrations of traditional holidays around the world. For many, that means an increase in consumption habits. Big brands sit back...

Annual Implementation Report 2021: Modest Reform Gains as Energy Community Embarks on the Energy Transition

The Energy Community Secretariat’s Report published today reveals that the Energy Community Contracting Parties have made progress in reforming their energy and climate sectors. In fact, the average implementation score increased from...

Greenhouse Gas Bulletin: Another Year Another Record

The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year, with the annual rate of increase above the 2011-2020 average. That trend has continued in...

The health impacts of the smoke from the fires in the Amazon

Depending on the time of the year and where you go in the Amazon, you may see two very different types of “mist”. One is the morning mist, caused by moisture that...

Serbia isn’t Rich in Waters

Serbia is the poorest country in the Balkans in autochthonous surface water (runoff module q=5.7 and is among the most impoverished region in Europe. Neighboring countries have significantly higher runoff module...

IUCN Closing Statement – Part One of the UN Biodiversity Conference

The first part of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) closed on Friday 15 October 2021. As we look to the UN Climate Change...

Tea and Coffee: Celebrating Their Cultural, Social and Economic Importance

Global tea and coffee experts came together to explore and celebrate the cultural, social, and economic importance of the world’s two most popular beverages including their role in making agri-food systems more...



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