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ABB Brings Fuel Cell Technology a Step Closer to Powering Large Ships

ABB signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hydrogène de France to jointly manufacture megawatt-scale fuel cell systems capable of powering ocean-going vessels. The MOU envisages close collaboration on the assembly and production...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Innovative Sustainable Solutions

Ecology and environmental conservation are known as one of the fields of science and life. However, climate change and awareness of the consequences of human activities indicate the growing need to intensify...

Biopesticides for Locust Control in East Africa

East Africa is going through a massive Desert Locust infestation that’s stripping farming families of food and income and threatening the food security of millions throughout the region. And the number of...

Battery Storage Paves Way for a Renewable-Powered Future

Battery storage systems are emerging as one of the key solutions to effectively integrate high shares of solar and wind renewables in power systems worldwide. A recent analysis from the International Renewable...

A Key Issue for Climate Change – What Passenger Cars Are Made Of

When you see a new car, you might think of the speed it can attain, the sound system on offer, the upholstery, or its range, if electric. But have you ever stopped...

Signs and Impacts of Climate Change in Atmosphere, Land and Oceans Are Rising

The tell-tale physical signs of climate change such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice are highlighted in a new report compiled by the World Meteorological...

GGF and National Bank of Egypt to Advance Climate Finance With USD 10 Million

The Green for Growth Fund (GGF), an impact investment fund advised by Finance in Motion, has loaned USD 10 million to the National Bank of Egypt (NBE) to support measures that reduce...

EBRD and Donors Boost Green Financing in the Region

The Western Balkans is a key region for, and partner in, the EBRD’s green work. South-eastern Europe has huge potential for developing green energy, with its rivers providing hydroelectric power, its mountains...

Walking, Cycling and Public Transport – Greener Mobility Options Than Electric Scooters or Ride-Hailing

The growing use of electric scooters and ride-hailing services is transforming how we move in urban centres — but walking, cycling and public transport remain the best way to improve sustainable mobility...

See the Sun’s Surface Move in ‘Unprecedented’ Detail

From our vantage point on Earth, the sun is often a miraculous sight, shining brightly on clear days and bathing the sky in vivid color as it rises and sets. This week,...

The Growth of EV Charging Network

According to the data coming from public and private companies, the number of delivered and installed chargers for electric vehicles is on the rise in Serbia. If this upward trend in the...

A Deep Demonstration of a Circular, Regenerative and Low-Carbon Economy in Slovenia

The Slovenian parliament passed a motion to adopt an EIT Climate-KIC-led proposal called “A Deep Demonstration of a Circular, Regenerative and Low-Carbon Economy in Slovenia” last November. The initiative is one of...

World’s Consumption of Materials Hits Record 100bn Tonnes a Year

The amount of material consumed by humanity has passed 100bn tonnes every year, a report has revealed, but the proportion being recycled is falling.The climate and wildlife emergencies are driven by the...

Innovation Is the Future of Serbia

What are the strategically important scientific projects supported and financed by the state with the view to preserve the environment, how are the scientific community and the economy connected, how are our...

RB Partners With Veolia to Drive a Circular Plastics Economy

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Reckitt Benckiser (RB) and Veolia announced today a new joint partnership to drive the shift toward a circular plastics economy. This partnership with Veolia is the latest step taken by RB to fulfill its pledge to make 100 perc...



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