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2017 Was a Record Breaking Year for Renewables, But More Needs to Be Done

2017 broke the record for increased renewable energy capacity, Reuters reported Sunday. But it still isn't enough to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in line with the goals of the Paris agreement.These are...

Hamburg Bans Diesel Cars on Two of Its Roads

Hamburg has banned older diesel vehicles on two of its roads in a bid to reduce pollution. The move makes it the first German city to introduce such a ruling – the measure...

Scotland Draft Climate Change Bill Sets 90%-by-2050 Emission Reduction Target

New targets will set Scotland on course to become one of the first countries in the world to achieve a 100% reduction in carbon emissions, the Scottish government has claimed, although it...

World’s Largest Battery and Rapid-Charge Network Launches to Accelerate EV Adoption

London-based Pivot Power unveiled plans to build the world's first national network of grid-scale batteries and rapid-charge stations across the UK to accelerate electric vehicle (EV) adoption and to usher in low-carbon...

EVs Can’t Change the World Until We Change How We Sell Them

Car salespeople have a reputation for being pushy, but there’s one thing they aren’t trying to hard sell: electric vehicles (EVs).While some of us would prefer getting a root canal to buying...

Chilean Villagers Claim British Appetite for Avocados Is Draining Region Dry

British supermarkets are selling thousands of tonnes of avocados produced in a Chilean region where villagers claim vast amounts of water are being diverted, resulting in a drought. Major UK supermarkets including Tesco,...

San Francisco Seeks 100% Electric Bus Fleet by 2035

On Tuesday, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SF Muni) Board of Directors passed a resolution to begin procuring zero emission battery buses to replace electric hybrid vehicles by 2025, with a...

From Plankton to Mahi-Mahi and Beyond: Toxic Plastic Is Traveling Up the Food Chain

Even a hundred yards out from the stern of the old steel sloop, the fish at the end of the line looked enormous. And it was strong: As it leapt up out...

Electric Buses Put the Big Hurt on Fossil Fuel Companies

Change is a funny thing. You can’t see it, hear it, feel it, or taste it, but one day you look around and suddenly, there it is. Isbrand Ho, managing director for...

If Anything, Sludge Is a Resource

On our path to the European Union, we are bound to adopt a number of laws, among which are regulations related to the treatment of all wastewater and wastewater sludge. Despite the...

Tourism Responsible for 8% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds

Worldwide tourism accounted for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions from 2009 to 2013, new research finds, making the sector a bigger polluter than the construction industry.The study, which looks at...

Highly charged: Complaints as Electric Car Points Block City Pavements

Cities across the world are rushing to install charging points to encourage and keep up with demand from increasing numbers of electric vehicles. By the end of last year there were almost...

Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, The Ambassador of Norway: It is Important to Maintain the Resources We Have

It is known that the Kingdom of Norway belongs to the group of biggest polluters per capita, which is an inglorious record, that is credited to another title – this Scandinavian country is...

Personal Care Products as Dangerous for the Air as Car Exhaust, Study Finds

People's efforts to keep themselves clean are actually making the air dirtier, at least in Boulder, Colorado. A study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Cooperative Institute for Research...

EU Agrees Total Ban on Bee-Harming Pesticides

The European Union will ban the world’s most widely used insecticides from all fields due to the serious danger they pose to bees. The ban on neonicotinoids, approved by member nations on Friday,...

Food and Drink Giants Unite in Promise to Wage War on Plastic Waste

The government may have promised to wipe out avoidable plastic waste in the UK by 2042, but today large swathes of the UK's food and drink sector went a leap further, in...



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