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Al-Falih Announces Package of Renewable Energy Projects

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Khalid Al-Falih launched a tender process for the Kingdom’s 300 megawatts Sakaka solar project. He said more wind and solar projects are in the pipeline. Launching...

Scientists Say Only 10 Years Left to Save the Planet

The planet, as we know it, has been given a deadline: 10 years. According to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, if humans don't reduce greenhouse gas emissions drastically and maintain...

Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano: Green Climate Fund Will Be the Biggest Financial Mechanism

Climate change is a global problem and the obligation of each country is to actively participate in the fight against all these changes. Serbia plans to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement by...

CO2 Levels Heading Back to the Days of the Dinosaur

 If humans burn all the fossil fuels at their disposal—and this could happen in the next two centuries—researchers predict that the planetary atmosphere would match the one that witnessed the days of...

5 Ways China Is Becoming the Global Leader on Climate Change

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt called the Paris agreement a "bad deal." He claimed China has made no significant efforts to curb carbon pollution, while the...

10 States Leading the Pack in Clean Energy Jobs

The solar, wind and energy efficiency industries already employ millions of people in the U.S. and they're poised to grow. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in...

Study: UK Leads G7 at Cutting Emissions and Growing Economy

The idea that cutting carbon emissions damages a country's economy needs to be consigned to history once and for all, according to a major new study that reveals how the UK has...

Climate Scoreboard: EU Member States Fail To Convince With Patchy 2050 Plans

Only eleven EU Member States delivered a 2050 emissions reduction strategy by 2015 as required by EU law - and the strategies that were submitted vary hugely in quality. These are the...

EU on Track to Meet 2020 Renewable Energy Targets

The European Union (EU) is on track to meet its target of sourcing 20 per cent of its energy from renewables by 2020, according to a new report. The European Environment Agency’s new...

Japan on Track to Reach 35% Renewables by 2030

With strong policy leadership, Japan can reach a 35 per cent renewable power share by 2030 – according to a new report. The report “Japan: Greater Energy Security Through Renewables: Electricity Transformation in...

Survey: Renewable Energy Ranks as One of the Most Disruptive Forces in Global Energy

Renewable energy and energy efficiency programmes are top priorities for energy executives around the world, as the world presses ahead with efforts to decarbonise energy systems, according to the latest World Energy...

Mark van Wees: Support for Serbia through IPA project

In mid-September last year the representatives of the GFA Consulting Group took participation at the conference in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce where the beginning of work on the Strategy on Climate...

Scotland and California Pledge Closer Ties on Climate Change and Wind Power

The governments of Scotland and California have signed a joint agreement committing the two administrations to share best practice on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling climate change. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon...

Report: Renewables Knock 10 Per Cent off EU Carbon Emissions

The EU is on track to meet its goal of sourcing 20 per cent of its energy from renewable sources and is successfully displacing fossil fuels through its increased use of renewables. That...

Why Cities are Outpacing Countries in the Race to Curb Climate Change

Cities from Oslo to Sydney are setting goals to curb climate change that exceed national targets, causing tensions with central governments about who controls policy over green energy and transport and construction. More...

Russian President Vladimir Putin Says Humans Not Responsible for Climate Change

One day after visiting the Franz Josef Land archipelago in the Arctic, Putin claimed that icebergs had been melting for decades and suggested that global warming was not mankind’s fault. “The warming, it...



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