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Emissions Must Fall By Mid-Century to Meet Paris Temperature Goals, Study Finds

With the exception of the U.S., every country in the world has now expressed an intention to honor the Paris agreement, which means they have all committed to limiting global warming to...

Highest Ever Quarterly Solar Manufacturing Capacity Expansion Announcements In Q4’17

Mark Osborne, the Senior News Editor for PV Tech, revealed last week that the fourth quarter of 2017 saw the highest ever recorded levels of new solar PV manufacturing expansion announcements for...

‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ Sprawling with More Debris than Thought

An enormous area of rubbish floating in the Pacific Ocean is teeming with far more debris than previously thought, heightening alarm that the world’s oceans are being increasingly choked by trillions of...

Methane Meltdown: Thawing Permafrost Could Release More Potent Greenhouse Gas Than Expected

A study published in Nature Climate Change Monday shows that thawing permafrost in the Arctic might produce more methane than previously thought. Methane has 28 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of...


Katarina MilenkovicKatarina Milenkovic–President of citizen’s society “Ama Centre” and the coordinator of “Bastaliste” Katarina Milenkovic graduated communication from a Faculty of Political Sciences, the University of Belgrade. She was engaged in journalism and...

For the Cost of an iPhone, You Can now Buy a Wind Turbine

Soon after assuming office, Kerala (southern state of India) Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan kicked up a storm by publicly supporting the Athirappilly hydro electric project, which environmentalists said, if implemented, would create...

C40 Reveals Cities’ Emissions Are Up To 60% Higher, Resulting In Bigger Reduction Opportunities

A new analysis from the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group has revealed that cities are actually generating up to 60% more greenhouse gasses than currently estimated due to the impact of trade...

Microplastic Pollution in Oceans is Far Worse than Feared, Say Scientists

The number of tiny plastic pieces polluting the world's oceans is vastly greater than thought, new research indicates. The work reveals the highest microplastic pollution yet discovered anywhere in the world in a...

Arctic Has Warmest Winter On Record

The Arctic winter comes and goes — but ever so differently as warming trends prevail. Increasing temperatures and glacial caving continue as Mother Nature gets hotter — at the top of our...

Researchers Unveil Several Ways to Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C by 2100

A group of researchers led by International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis has used new modelling scenarios to showcase several ways with which to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2100. According...

Are We Stuck with Plastic Drinking Straws?

One of the world's leading makers of single-use plastic drinking straws has told Radio 5 Live that the development of more environmentally friendly alternatives is "stuck". John Sidanta, chief executive of Primaplast, said...

Ph.D. Aleksandar Joksimovic: The Adriatic is Our Heritage – We Must Preserve It!

With four national parks and a multitude of forest systems, more than 50 protected plant species and 320 animal species, although small in size, Montenegro has three different natural environments at a distance...

Report: EU Renewables Beat Coal Power for the First Time

New EU renewables generation increased sharply in 2017, but the lion's share of these gains were shouldered by the UK and Germany, demonstrating the "uneven" nature of energy sector decarbonisation across Europe. That...

2017 Was the Hottest Year on Record for Oceans

Last year wasn't just one of the hottest years on Earth's surface, as it was the hottest year on record for the global ocean, according to a new study from the Institute...

222 Bird Species Worldwide Now Critically Endangered

What do the southern red-breasted plover, ultramarine lorikeet and Rimatara reed warbler have in common? Here's the unfortunate answer: They're just a few of the bird species newly listed as critically endangered in...

Good News! Study Claims Global Warming Will Only Be Disastrous, Not Catastrophic

We all know the Earth is getting warmer. Everyone except Republicans knows the increase in temperature is related to carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. Climate scientists don’t agree on how much...



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