Search results for:Red Sea

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Climate change triggers mounting food insecurity, poverty and displacement in Africa

Changing precipitation patterns, rising temperatures and more extreme weather contributed to mounting food insecurity, poverty and displacement in Africa in 2020, compounding the socio-economic and health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Comprehensive Assessment on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution Confirms Need for Urgent Global Action

A drastic reduction in unnecessary, avoidable and problematic plastic is crucial to addressing the global pollution crisis, according to a comprehensive assessment released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). An accelerated...

G7 Members Have a Unique Opportunity to Lead the World Towards Electricity Sectors With Net Zero Emissions

G7 members are well placed to fully decarbonise their electricity supply by 2035, which would accelerate the technological advances and infrastructure rollouts needed to lead global energy markets towards net zero emissions...

Serbia isn’t Rich in Waters

Serbia is the poorest country in the Balkans in autochthonous surface water (runoff module q=5.7 and is among the most impoverished region in Europe. Neighboring countries have significantly higher runoff module...

Ahead of Global Climate Talks, Public Development Banks Join Forces to Boost Investments in Sustainable Food Systems

Responding to an urgent call to increase financing for the world’s poorest farmers who are hardest hit by climate change, a group of Public Development Banks (PDBs) stepped up their commitment to...

4 Myths About Industrial Agriculture

Our lives revolve around food. It’s part of our cultures and our heritages, and our social interactions are often centered on it. Yet, it’s a privilege to be able to have meals...

New Centre of Excellence for Climate and Disaster Resilience

The World Meteorological Organization and the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction are marking the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on 13 October with the announcement of the creation of a...

Climate Scientists win Nobel Prize for Physics

The World Meteorological Community and the international science community have welcomed the awarding of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics to pioneering climate scientists who laid the foundations for our understanding of the role...

Digital Partner in the Fields of Sustainability and Efficiency

The coronavirus has brought numerous changes in everyday life. It also contributed to the increasing demand for sustainable energy and sustainability in all areas of work. The innovations are introduced, and new technologies...

Why The Global Fight to Tackle Food Waste Has Only Just Begun

Our global food systems are having a profound impact on human and planetary health. They are responsible for 70 percent of the water extracted from nature, account for up to one-third of...

Devastating Wildfires Cause Record Emissions in Northern Hemisphere

Europe’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) has been closely monitoring a summer of extreme wildfires across the Northern Hemisphere, including intense hotspots around the Mediterranean basin and in North America and Siberia....

New Global Methane Pledge Aims to Tackle Climate Change

A new joint agreement by the European Union and the United States to cut global methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030 could mark a crucial step in tackling climate change and...

Solving the Chicken and Egg Problem: Auctions for Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen (hydrogen produced from renewable energy) has received increasing attention across the energy sector in recent years, given its capability to decarbonise ‘hard to abate’ sectors (such as steelmaking) and provide...

Ozone Layer Recovery is an Environmental Success Story

The World Meteorological Organization joins the rest of the international community in marking World Ozone Day on 16 September. It highlights the importance of safeguarding the Earth’s protective ozone layer and shows that...

The Role of Resource Extraction in a “Circular” World

If the latest major report on global warming makes one thing clear, it’s that humanity must transition to a low-carbon economy, and fast. To do that, many countries are embracing what’s known as...

Indigenous Peoples launch self-determined agenda at IUCN World Conservation Congress

IUCN's Indigenous Peoples Member Organisations today called for the recognition of Indigenous peoples' rights and governance over their lands and resources. The call is part of a global agenda of Indigenous priorities...



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