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A Healthy Environment as a Human Right in Coastal East Africa

In October 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council recognized that having a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a human right. So what does this mean in practice - especially in...

Seven Tips for an Earth-Friendly Holiday Season

Every day we make choices about the world we want to create. As we plan and provide this holiday season, we can choose to be more friendly to the planet, our shared...

Lika and Gorski kotar as positive examples of human and bear coexistence

The number of negative news about large carnivores in Slovak media is increasing. For that reason, representatives of WWF Slovakia in cooperation with WWF Adria brought Slovak bear experts to Croatia to...

Postcard from 2050: Cities and Climate change in a Dystopian Future

When the climate crisis requires immediate action, cities become key players in the transition towards better ecological scenarios. Are mayors and governments ready to bet on ways forward that put the health of people...

Comprehensive Assessment on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution Confirms Need for Urgent Global Action

A drastic reduction in unnecessary, avoidable and problematic plastic is crucial to addressing the global pollution crisis, according to a comprehensive assessment released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). An accelerated...

Three Ways You Can Protect Rivers

Rivers provide immense benefits and services to people, communities, and the planet—from drinking water to crop irrigation. Unfortunately, invaluable river systems all over the world are under increased stress from damming of...

What Are Nature-Based Solutions and How Can They Help Us Address the Climate Crisis?

Nature-based solutins refer to a suite of actions or policies that harness the power of nature to address some of our most pressing societal challenges, such as threats to water security, rising...

UNESCO declares Mura-Drava-Danube as biosphere reserve

With the world facing climate and nature crises, UNESCO’s designation today of the Mura-Drava-Danube as the world’s first ‘5-country biosphere reserve’ represents a historic step towards a new era for people and nature in...

Climate crisis fires burning from the Amazon and Turkey to California

From Turkey to Brazil, and Russia to the US, we’re seeing fires consuming our forests, killing wildlife and threatening our woodlands’ ability to trap and store carbon, a defense against the climate...

How composting can reduce our impact on the planet

Every year, across the world, 1,3 billion tones of food is either lost or wasted, says the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Food Waste Index. With world hunger on this rise due to the...

How Countries Are Turning the Tide on Marine Plastic Pollution

More and more countries are joining the Clean Seas campaign to fight against marine litter and plastic pollution. Over 60 countries - both coastal and landlocked - have signed up to this...

Growing Underwater Noise in the Arctic Puts Whales and Other Animals at Risk

Until recently, the Arctic Ocean's ice cover made it a natural “acoustic refuge” for marine animals for much of the year. Many marine animals, including narwhals, belugas, and bowhead whales, rely on clicks,...

Securing Food, Protecting Biodiversity

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today told a gathering of experts, diplomats and senior officials that the agricultural world and the environmental...

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Shar Mountain National Park Approved

The creation of Shar Mountain National Park in North Macedonia means the final puzzle piece for one of the largest transboundary protected areas in Europe is now in place. With the approval...

Three Ways the US can Act on the Plastic Waste Crisis and Protect our Oceans

An exorbitant amount of plastic waste continues to plague our oceans, threatening marine life and the people who depend on these waters for their livelihoods. An estimated 11 million metric tons of...

Thacker Pass Lithium Mine Opposed By 4 Conservation Groups

With 4 conservation and public accountability groups filing for a preliminary injunction in the Federal District Court in Reno, the construction of the Thacker Pass lithium mine has taken center stage. The motion for...



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