Search results for:pacific

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Indigenous Communities in Danger of Being Erased from the Map in Brazil

“We were already on this land before Brazil was Brazil”, said Eliseu Lopes, Indigenous leader. After living on and fighting for their lands for centuries, the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil are...

Native Hawaiian Community will have their Lands Restored

As part of the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to honor relationships with Indigenous communities and uphold trust responsibilities, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves today announced...

Space Observations Support Sustainable Development

Space-based observations are key to achieving the international agenda on sustainable development, disaster risk reduction and climate change and it is thus imperative to ensure there is a stable and sustainable space-environment. This...

Greenpeace: Stop Deep Sea Mining Before It Begins

In March 2021, the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior set sail to a place called the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean to stop an emerging ocean threat – deep sea mining...

Global Assessment: Urgent Steps Must be Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions this Decade

A Global Methane Assessment released today by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) shows that human-caused methane emissions can be reduced by up to...

UNEP and Google Partner to Hunt for Plastic Pollution With Machine Learning

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) today announced that it is working to fight plastic pollution using citizen science and machine learning, with technical advisory support from Google. With Google’s support, UNEP will...

BMW electric vehicle drivers in California get green energy option via smart charging

There are many reasons to switch to electric cars instead of fossil fuel cars — better performance, quieter driving, lower operating and maintenance costs, and, of course, cleaner driving with zero tailpipe...

How Renewables Offer New Solutions for District Heating and Cooling

Innovation in technology, digitalisation and building efficiency are opening the heating sector to low-temperature renewables according to IRENA report. Heating is the largest end user of energy, accounting for over 50 percent of...

New Study Shows Socio-Economic Benefits of Weather Observations

Behind every weather forecast, every early warning of life-threatening hazards, and every long-term climate change projection are observational data. A new report published by the World Bank, produced in collaboration with the World...

Four Ways To Improve Trade Rules and Support Climate Action

There is a myth that trade policy and climate action are inherently at odds. That does not have to be the case. Trade can, and should, be a driver of sustainable innovation,...

Renewable Energy: Common Myths Debunked

Critics of renewable energy often cite two reasons for why they think a transition from fossil fuels will take half a century. Firstly, that sources of renewable energy are too intermittent to...

Why Countries Are Desperate To Defy the Odds and Access Mars

Getting there takes seven months, and landing on a surface where the average temperature is about -60°C involves “seven minutes of terror.”Who could resist?Despite the obstacles, active exploration of Mars has ramped up of late –...

Autonomous Bus Trial A Success At Tokyo’s Haneda Airport

BYD completed a 10-day trial operation of an autonomous driving bus earlier this month at Tokyo Haneda Airport. BYD partnered with All Nippon Airways (ANA), which is Japan’s largest airline, to complete...

Glacier Collapse in India a Worrying Sign of What’s to Come

A deadly flood in northern India, sparked by a cratering glacier, was not an isolated incident but the result of a rapidly warming planet, say experts. They warn the disaster, which has...

Got Climate Change? Kelp Can Help

Kelp, which most of us refer to as seaweed, may be an important tool in the quest to limit the effects of a warming planet. Much of the carbon dioxide emitted into...

IRENA and Ocean Energy Europe Partner to Drive Ocean Energy Industry

The CEO of Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), Rémi Gruet and the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Francesco La Camera, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today at the annual...



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