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UN Environment Programme And European Investment Bank Join Forces To Reduce Pollution In The Marine And Coastal Environment

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) launched the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Mediterranean Pollution Hot Spots Technical Assistance initiative, which aims to reduce pollution in the Mediterranean...

Stockholm+50 Closes With Call for Urgent Environmental, Economic Transformation

Hundreds of speakers attending Stockholm+50, have called for real commitment to urgently address global environmental concerns and for a just transition to sustainable economies that work for all people. The two-day international meeting concluded...

Environmental Concerns Increase With Decision on Lifetime Extension of Tuzla 4 and Kakanj 5

On 24 March, the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina endorsed conclusions to cancel the application of the opt-out regime of the Large Combustion Plants...

WWF Commends UN Environment Assembly’s Watershed Decision to Start Negotiations for a Global Plastics Treaty

UN Member states at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) have unanimously agreed to develop a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution, making it one of the world’s most ambitious environmental actions...

Circular Business Models and Smarter Design Can Reduce Environment and Climate Impacts From Textiles

The EEA briefing ‘Textiles and the environment: The role of design in Europe’s circular economy’ provides updated estimates of textiles’ life-cycle impacts on the environment and climate. The briefing shows that, compared with...

2022: Emergency Mode for the Environment

As the new year gets underway, the world continues to grapple with a number of familiar challenges – the continued COVID-19 pandemic, resurgent wildfires, enduring crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and...

When Clean Environment Brings the Eco-Friendly Municipality title

Čajetina municipality in Serbia has set a very clear and ambitious goal for itself. It is inclined to officially become the first eco-friendly municipality in Serbia. At the moment when our problems seem...

A Healthy Environment as a Human Right in Coastal East Africa

In October 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council recognized that having a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a human right. So what does this mean in practice - especially in...

Serbia Opens Energy, Environment and Climate Change Chapters Under EU Accession Process

The Energy Community Secretariat congratulates Serbia for its progress in the EU accession negotiation process and the opening of Cluster four (Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity) at the EU-Serbia Intergovernmental Conference held...

A Successful Fight for a Healthy Environment Needs Courage

The experts and professors in the fields of environmental protection and preservation founded the National Ecological Association (NEA) this April. It might not be breaking news except that, despite the activities of...

CEB and Slovenia’s SID Banka discuss a new loan for infrastructure, energy efficiency and environment

The Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), Rolf Wenzel, and Vice-Governor Tomáš Boček today met with representatives of the Slovene Export and Development Bank (SID Banka) to finalise a...

Landmark UN Resolution Confirms Healthy Environment is a Human Right

Nemonte Nenquimo, a member of the Waorani indigenous community in Ecuador says she is of “warrior blood." Her weapon of choice has been an unusual one: the lawsuit. In 2019, under Nenquimo’s leadership,...

Froneri Ice-Cream –Pleasure With an Environmental Protection Touch

Thanks to the Fronery Adriatic company and its continuous investments, once a little local plant in Stara Pazova was turned into an advanced ice-cream factory for the 21 century. Today, this is...

Ozone Layer Recovery is an Environmental Success Story

The World Meteorological Organization joins the rest of the international community in marking World Ozone Day on 16 September. It highlights the importance of safeguarding the Earth’s protective ozone layer and shows that...

The IED Serbia Project – For the Efficient Prevention and Better Control of Environmental Pollution

Through project “Further Implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive – IED Serbia”, implemented over the past three years, Sweden has supported our country both at institutional and individual companies level, with the...

Secretariat Opens Dispute Settlement Procedure Against Serbia Concerning Environmental Impact Assessment for the Drmno Coal Mine

The Secretariat sent an Opening Letter to Serbia addressing the failure to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the extension of the Drmno coal mine in the Kostolac basin in...



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