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Sand and Dust Storms are More Intense and Frequent, Threatening Agriculture and Communities

Sand and dust storms (SDS) have increased dramatically in intensity and frequency in recent years, especially in some regions, highlighting how the phenomenon damages crops and livestock, worsens desertification, and causes health...

EU Member States Must Take Urgent Action on NECPs and Overriding Public Interest

On 30 June all 27 Member States were due to submit the final version of their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). This comes after the European Commission had reviewed their draft...

New UK Government plans big push on wind

The UK’s new Labour Government has great ambitions for accelerating the deployment of wind energy, both onshore and offshore. To deliver on their new goals they will need a massive overhaul of...

Immediate Actions Needed to Unblock Grid Capacity for More Wind Energy

The EU wants to increase its wind energy capacity from 220 GW today to 425 GW by 2030 and 1,300 GW by 2050. Wind is key to energy security, affordable electricity and...

Green Transformation of the Republic of Croatia

Access to European Union funds provides the Republic of Croatia with the necessary finances for investments in infrastructure construction, as well as green and digital transition. Thanks to this, the country can...

Negative Bidding Continues to Burden Offshore Wind Development

Germany and the Netherlands have recently issued the results of their latest offshore wind auction. They awarded a total capacity of 6.5 GW. That’s good for Europe’s energy transition. But the auction...

French Auction Results are not the new Benchmark for Floating Wind in Europe

Last month France published the results of its 250 MW floating offshore wind auction off South Brittany (AO5). The winning bid was awarded at 86 euros /MWh – a record-low for floating...

Can Floating Solar Power Plants Cover the Entire Energy Consumption of a Country?

Certain countries have huge potential when it comes to floating solar power plants, and new research shows that some of them could be entirely dependent on this energy source. Researchers from Bangor and...

Precise Strategies and Plans for Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change

Biodiversity is particularly important for Romania because around 23 per cent of the country’s surface is occupied by protected natural areas, which are part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the European Union. Romania has...

France Commits to Big Offshore Wind Volumes

Last year France raised its offshore wind target for 2050 to 45 GW, with an intermediate target of 18 GW by 2035. On 2 May the Government published a new offshore auction...

The New Era of Artificial Intelligence – and What it Means for the Data Center Segment

Artificial intelligence is currently the most potent force transforming how we process, analyze, and use data. Predictions say that the artificial intelligence market will reach a whopping $407 billion by 2027. We...

Denmark’s Latest Offshore Wind Auction Could Award Enough Capacity to Meet the Country’s Entire Electricity Demand

Denmark opened an offshore wind tender which could award up to 10 GW. If successful, the awarded capacity would be enough to meet all of the country’s electricity demand. It could also...

From Investing In Nature Conservation To One Of the Most Environmentally Developed Countries

One of the smallest but greenest countries in the European Union – Slovenia – very quickly adopted European standards and achieved a high level of environmental protection. According to the report of...

Old Mines Can Be Used for Energy Storage

In addition to renewable energy production facilities being built left and right, the energy transition we are striving for also requires the construction of energy storage facilities since the efficiency of renewable...

Slovenia passes a regulation to boost the use of wind energy in municipalities

Slovenia has passed a regulation that stipulates the development of wind energy. The regulation aims to promote wind energy production facilities through a system of one-time financial compensations intended for municipalities, considering...


Energy from renewable sources is founded in the history of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS). The Pod Gradom on Đetinja hydropower plant in Užice was commissioned in 1900 and was...



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