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Green Shoots: Are COVID-19 Recovery Funds Helping the Environment?

In the last year, governments have pledged trillions of dollars in COVID-19 relief, creating what some observers have called a once-in-a-generation chance to make planet-friendly investments—and save the Earth from a looming...

Caring For the Environment Should Be a Lifestyle 

Traffic belongs to major air pollutants, and selection of the mode of transport is considered as one of the main factors of influence. We all have the opportunity to make that choice....

African Ministers of the Environment Commit to Support a Green COVID-19 Recovery Plan

Ministers of Environment across the continent of Africa have agreed to support a comprehensive green recovery plan to boost economies and social systems aimed at building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic. In...

Improve Human Waste Management in African Countries for Better Health, Environment and Economy

Poor sanitation continues to pose major health, environmental and socioeconomic risks in many African countries, according to new research by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)....

Mediterranean Basin Facing Irreversible Environmental Damage, Warns new UNEP Report

Rising inequality, biodiversity loss, the growing impact of climate change and unrelenting pressure on natural resources could lead to irreversible environmental damage in the Mediterranean basin, according to a new report by...

Protection of Seagrasses Key to Building Resilience to Climate Change, Disasters

Seagrass meadows can be a powerful nature-based climate solution and help sustain communities hard-hit by stressors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but these important ecosystems continue to decline. The importance of seagrasses...

Good Health is an Environmental Right

The COVID-19 crisis is a reminder of the intimate relationship between humans, animals and the environment. There are several human rights related to the environment- these are our environmental rights. Without clean, safe,...

Pakistan’s ‘Green Stimulus’ Scheme Is a Win-Win for the Environment and the Unemployed

Pakistan's government are offering labourers, who are out of work due to the coronavirus lockdown, a chance to earn money by planting trees. The project is part of Pakistan's existing initiative...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Australia Cleared 7.7m Hectares of Threatened Species Habitat Since Introduction of Environment Act

More than 7.7m hectares of habitat have been cleared since the introduction of Australia’s national environment act, according to new research that finds 93% of land cleared was not referred to the...

Trump Officials Weaken Protections for Animals Near Extinction

The Trump administration is scaling back the US government’s latitude to protect species nearing extinction, as world scientists warn that a biodiversity crisis will soon put humanity at risk. More than 1,600 species...

UK to Put Climate Crisis and Environment at the Heart of Overseas Aid

The UK will have an “ethical” development policy that puts the climate emergency and environmental protection at the heart of overseas aid, with more than £190m to be spent directly on climate-related...

Koalas Should Be Given Endangered Listing, Environment Groups Say

Koala populations on the Australian east coast have diminished to the extent the species should now be considered “endangered”, environment groups have said, amid concern that existing protection measures have failed to...

Prominent Environment Experts Die in Ethiopian Airlines Crash

India's external affairs minister, Sushma Swaraj, was among the first to confirm that a United Nations consultant working with her government’s Ministry of Environment and Forests died aboard Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302...

Time-Saving Supersonic Airplanes Could Be a Disaster for the Environment

At least three companies are hoping to bring supersonic airplanes back into the skies, but environmental groups worry their return could mean a big increase in greenhouse gasses from aviation.The issue is...

2018 Wasn’t a Completely Horrible Year for the Environment

Was 2018 a tough year for the environment? Absolutely. But were there bright spots and victories among the attacks on biodiversity, climate and public health? Of course there were. Here are just...



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