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Farewell to Long Charging and Short Radius

Cities around the world face the challenge of finding solutions for public transportation that can reduce harmful gas emissions and noise, and at the same time reduce operating costs to a minimum....

We Have Broader National Awareness of the Need for Personal Engagement

It is a well-known fact that in 2017, the United States of America withdrew from the Paris Agreement. By signing it, states have committed themselves to the fight against climate change but...

Climate Change ‘Is Already Fuelling Conflict in Africa’

The effects of climate change are fuelling conflict in Africa.That’s the verdict from Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who speaking in Nigeria on a 5-day visit to Africa this week, said the effects...

Lions Have Adapted to Hunt Seals and Seabirds in Namibia, Study Finds

Lions in Namibia have turned to hunting seabirds and seals in the face of scarce food resources in the desert landscape, research has found.The desert lions, which are found exclusively within the...

Joshua Tree National Park Announces Closure After Trees Destroyed Amid Shutdown

Maintenance and sanitation problems also reported 18 days after government shutdown furloughed the vast majority of park staff.Volunteers helping tourists at the Joshua Tree National Park in California. A day after this story...

Dubai Is Busy Embracing Solar Energy

If there’s one resource that Dubai has in abundance, it’s sunshine. Not surprisingly, the city, set in a sun-drenched desert, has set out to exploit that inexhaustible resource for clean energy generation.The...

Could ‘Robotic Ant’ Solar Tech Put Humans out of a Job?

Osoji Solar seems to think so – it says its dust-cleaning devices could significantly boost solar efficiency. Could ‘robotic ant’ solar tech put humans out of a job?Osoji Solar seems to think so – the...

A Short Guide to Building a Sustainable Shelter in Nature

Imagine you are on a desert island. You are trying to invoke the image of Bear Grylls in hope for some hint on survival technique, but with no success whatsoever. You have...

Hydro and Fossil Fuels Powering Sub-Saharan Africa’s Electricity Growth

They were the top sources of growth between 2005 and 2015. Hydropower and fossil fuel generation have been powering the electricity growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Latest figures from the US Energy Information Administration...

Prickly But Unprotected: 18 Percent of Cactus Species at Risk

Nearly a fifth of the world's cactus species are unprotected by the world's national parks and other conservation areas, making them one of the most at-risk groups of species on the planet,...

U.S. Military Is World’s Biggest Polluter

Last week, mainstream media outlets gave minimal attention to the news that the U.S. Naval station in Virginia Beach had spilled an estimated 94,000 gallons of jet fuel into a nearby waterway,...

Egypt Set to Open Its First Solar Farm – and It’s the Largest in the World

Egypt has long relied on environmentally taxing fossil fuels. Over 90% of electricity is generated from oil and natural gas, and the country subsidizes fossil fuels, making them a cheap option for...

These Massive Renewable Energy Projects Are Powering Chilean Mines

Minerals are so abundant in Chile’s northern Atacama Desert, you can get copper just by kicking the mountain—or so says one of the miners’ favorite proverbs. A century after many of the...

‘New World Record’: Imperial, California Felt Rain at 48°C

Southern California is not only sweltering under extreme heat, the city of Imperial actually witnessed rainfall when it was a scorching 48 degrees Celsius outside on July 24, weather experts observed.The bizarre...

Deluge of Electronic Waste Turning Thailand into ‘World’s Rubbish Dump’

At a deserted factory outside Bangkok, skyscrapers made from vast blocks of crushed printers, Xbox components and TVs tower over black rivers of smashed-up computer screens. This is a tiny fraction of the...

‘Extinct’ San Quintín Kangaroo Rat Still Exists

At dusk, San Diego Natural History Museum mammalogist Scott Tremor set up a few live traps in some abandoned agricultural fields in Baja California, Mexico. With Sula Vanderplank, a botanist and research...



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