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UK’s First New Hydro Energy Storage Plant in 30 Years Given Green Light

Plans for what would be the UK's first new grid-scale electricity storage facility in more than 30 years have been given the go-ahead by the government, with construction now likely to begin...

Northvolt Charges Up Plans for Europe’s Biggest Battery Factory

Swedish start-up Northvolt has announced plans to build Europe's largest lithium-ion battery factory to support growing demand for electric vehicles and energy storage. Earmarked for an as-yet-unspecified site "in the Nordic region", the...

Arena to Give EnergyAustralia Grant to Investigate Pumped Hydro Storage Project

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena) has approved a $450,000 grant to EnergyAustralia to investigate a pumped hydro energy storage project off South Australia as the state’s energy mix continues to cause...

Home Energy Storage Batteries Lose to Grid-Connected Solar on Environmental Impact

Energy storage allows excess power collected by solar panels to be stored for later use, addressing the intermittent nature of solar power. It's a concept that has already won over policymakers, electric...

China to Take Leadership Position on Energy Storage in East Asia-Pacific Region, World Bank Says

China likely will become the largest energy storage market in the East Asia & Pacific region, with a potential to install about 9 GW of utility-scale and behind-the-meter systems in 2025, according...

Tesla just Kicked off Battery Production at its Massive Nevada Gigafactory

Tesla just took a big step towards realizing CEO Elon Musk’s vision of a sustainable energy future by kicking off the mass production of lithium-ion battery cells at its Gigafactory near Sparks,...

New York City Sets the First Citywide Energy Storage Target

Only two U.S. states, California and Massachusetts, have set targets for energy storage deployments. Now New York City has joined them. The city government unveiled a storage goal of 100 megawatt-hours by 2020...

U.S. Start-up SunCulture Solar Reveals Integrated Solar-Plus-Storage Devices

SunCulture Solar Inc. (Mountain View, CA, U.S.) on September 22nd, 2016 announced the launch of “SolPad”, a new series of integrated energy products for solar homes or off-grid photovoltaic (PV) applications. According to...

Department of Energy Announces 16 New Projects to Transform Energy Storage and Conversion

WASHINGTON — The Energy Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) today announced $37 million in funding for 16 innovative new projects as part of a new ARPA-E program: Integration and Optimization of...

Stanford Scientists Develop Efficient Zinc-air Battery

Stanford University scientists have created an advanced zinc-air battery with higher catalytic activity and durability than similar batteries made with platinum and other costly catalysts. The results, published in the journal Nature Communications, could lead...

Energy storage commercially viable, 900 MW expected in 2016

The energy storage market is shifting from R&D demonstration projects to a commercially viable market, states IHS, Inc. Q4 2015 saw a 45% increase in the global project pipeline, while 900 MW...

Australia is Building the World’s Largest Solar Area

The world's largest solar area project, named the Australia-Asia Power Link, will power three million households and is located in the Northern Territory of this continent. The project has already received the...

Why Aren’t We Reducing our Reliance on Fossil Fuels Faster?

The world must rapidly cut its greenhouse gas emissions. Remarkable progress has been made, especially in the adoption of renewable energy in the transport and energy sectors, but the change is not...

German state approves gas drilling project in North Sea

The controversial extraction of natural gas in the North Sea near the German island of Borkum is moving closer to becoming a reality after a responsible authority gave its approval. The Office for...

From Grass to Electricity with the Help of Digesters

Over the years, growing dominant crops on land can lead to various environmental consequences, such as loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, farmers are advised to revert parts...

Germany: As Solar Capacity Grows, Equipment Production Declines

Germany is making significant progress in developing renewable energy sources. The German Federal Statistical Office—Statistisches Bundesamt—confirmed this by providing data on solar energy capacity. As reported, in April 2024, about 3.4 million solar...



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