Search results for:Global warming

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Red List Research Finds 26,000 Global Species under Extinction Threat

More than 26,000 of the world’s species are now threatened, according to the latest red list assessment of the natural world, adding to fears the planet is entering a sixth wave of...

‘Carbon Bubble’ Could Spark Global Financial Crisis, Study Warns

Plunging prices for renewable energy and rapidly increasing investment in low-carbon technologies could leave fossil fuel companies with trillions in stranded assets and spark a global financial crisis, a new study has...

Tourism Responsible for 8% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds

Worldwide tourism accounted for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions from 2009 to 2013, new research finds, making the sector a bigger polluter than the construction industry.The study, which looks at...

Global Carbon Emissions Rise for First Time Since 2014

Global carbon dioxide emissions from energy increased for the first time in 2017 after three years of remaining flat, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Thursday, meaning the world remains far off...

Temperature Rise over 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) Possible in 13 Global Cities in 2020s, Study Finds

Over just the next decade or so, 13 large global cities are facing temperature rises that could exceed 2° degrees Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit), according to a new report from the Urban Climate...

Keeping Global Temperature Increase Below 1.5 Degrees Celsius Unlikely, Says IPCC Draft Report

Every September, the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change releases a report on global warming, but that report doesn’t take shape overnight. It is the result of nearly a year’s worth of work...

New Climate Study: Most Severe Warming Projections Are Now the Most Likely

Global warming, under the notorious "business-as-usual scenario" in which humans go on burning fossil fuels to power economic growth, could by 2100 be at least 15 percent warmer than the worst UN...

Why Remote Antarctica Is so Important in a Warming World

Ever since the ancient Greeks speculated a continent must exist in the south polar regions to balance those in the north, Antarctica has been popularly described as remote and extreme. Over the...

Global Carbon Emissions Set to Rise for First Time in Four Years

After years of flat growth, global carbon dioxide emissions are set to rise again in 2017 to hit a record high, according to new data that seriously threatens international efforts to avert...

National Climate Report Finds Virtually ALL Global Temperature Rise Since 1950 Caused By Human Activity

The National Climate Report is an annual assessment mandated by Congress. This year’s report has just been released and it contains this stunning finding — virtually all of the observed increase in...

Climate Change Already Damaging Health of Millions Globally, Report Finds

The health of hundreds of millions of people around the world is already being damaged by climate change, a major report has revealed. Heatwaves are affecting many more vulnerable people and global warming...

Global Carbon Emissions Stood Still in 2016, Offering Climate Hope

The new data is a welcome sign of progress in the battle against global warming but many challenges remain, including methane from cattle. Global emissions of climate-warming carbon dioxide remained static in 2016,...

World Can Meet Growing Food Demands and Limit Warming to 1.5°C, Study Says

Agriculture and food production is responsible for around 30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Slashing the sector's emissions is considered to be key to limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial...

Global Carbon Emissions Stood Still in 2016, Offering Climate Hope

Global emissions of climate-warming carbon dioxide remained static in 2016, a welcome sign that the world is making at least some progress in the battle against global warming by halting the long-term...

Renewable Energy Sources To Account For 85% Of Global Electricity Production By 2050

Renewable energy sources will provide 85% of global electricity production in 2050, led by solar PV and onshore wind, according to a new report published this month. Electricity consumption will be the largest...

Extreme Heatwaves With “Apparent Temperatures” As High As 55° Celsius To Regularly Affect Much Of World (With 4° Celsius Of Warming Over Pre-Industrial Levels)

If global temperatures rise 4° Celsius over pre-industrial levels, then extreme heatwaves with “apparent temperatures” peaking at over 55° Celsius will begin to regularly affect many densely populated parts of the world,...



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