Search results for: artificial intelligence

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Environmental Storytelling Can Help Spread Big Ideas for Saving the Planet

Tackling climate change will require huge changes in society. Decarbonizing energy, restoring habitat and making food supply sustainable are all critical, but methods for motivating these actions have typically taken the wrong approach—by highlighting the...

Microsoft “AI For Earth” Project Will Democratize Access To Climate Change Data

Information is power. Until recently, information about the condition of the earth’s environment has been accessible only to a limited number of people — climate scientists, researchers, and government officials among them....

84% of People Now Consider Climate Change a ‘Global Catastrophic Risk’

A majority of people in eight countries say they are ready to change their lifestyles if it would prevent climate catastrophe, a survey on global threats released Wednesday found. The poll of 8,000...

Could Biomimicry Revolutionise Renewable Energy?

A host of new technologies have been inspired by the natural world, as designers increasingly look to biomimicry when to creating new ideas for wind turbines, solar cells and hydropower. So could...

Accurate Solar Energy Forecasting Could Save Ratepayers Millions

A 2015 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and IBM found that more accurate day-ahead predictions of solar energy generation levels would save ratepayers in California $5 million in avoided costs....

New Solar Forecasting System Could Save Industry Hundreds Of Millions

A new solar forecasting system could save the solar power industry hundreds of millions of dollars and make it easier for grid operators and utilities to integrate high penetration levels of variable...

NASA Develops Underwater Robots for Climate Change Research (VIDEO)

According to predictions, by the end of the century, the melting of Antarctic ice sheets could cause sea levels to rise by a meter or more, with serious consequences for hundreds of...

Why virtual Power Plants are the Future of Solar Energy

Renewable energy sources like solar are volatile, meaning there is not enough energy production to meet demand when the sun doesn't shine. However, when the sun does shine, solar panels can feed so...

ABB Launches Next-Generation Robotics Control Platform OmniCore

ABB Robotics launched OmniCore™, an intelligent automation platform that is faster, more precise and more sustainable, to empower, enhance and futureproof businesses. The OmniCore platform, the result of more than 170 million dollars...


Clean forms of energy are a topic that has been often discussed lately which is why it seems to us that we are sufficiently familiar with it. Yet if we were to...

Looking back at top moments for the environment in 2023

The last year has been a hard one for the planet. The Earth sweltered under record heat, nature continued its precipitous decline and pollution continued to claim millions of lives. But amid all...

ABB to invest 280 million dollars in its European Robotics hub in Sweden

ABB announced an investment of 280 million dollars to expand its manufacturing footprint in Europe and build a new state-of-the-art ABB Robotics European Campus in Västerås, Sweden. The Campus will serve as...

How Technology Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate Talk and Action

As society pressures leaders for a more environmentally-friendly agenda, governments responsible for 63 percent of world emissions have committed to net zero with corporate net-zero commitments covering 12 percent of the global...

Renewable Energy: Common Myths Debunked

Critics of renewable energy often cite two reasons for why they think a transition from fossil fuels will take half a century. Firstly, that sources of renewable energy are too intermittent to...

This Flying AI Robot Can Pick Fruit – Preventing Waste in the Process

It’s getting harder to find fruit pickers to harvest the world’s orchards. COVID-19 travel restrictions have prevented seasonal workers crossing borders, so some farmers are turning to AI drones to pick their...

Why Countries Are Desperate To Defy the Odds and Access Mars

Getting there takes seven months, and landing on a surface where the average temperature is about -60°C involves “seven minutes of terror.”Who could resist?Despite the obstacles, active exploration of Mars has ramped up of late –...



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