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Investing in Renewable Energy Better Than Pouring Money into Carbon Capture

“We’ll science our way out of global warming.” We hear that all the time from people who don’t quite believe climate change is real and that burning fossil fuels is the cause....

Global Report Highlights Australia’s Renewables Potential Amid Mixed Signals for Coal

Australia singled out for possible hydrogen boom, but also forecast to increase coal production. Australia is singled out as a country with strong potential for new hydrogen production facilities in the latest World Energy...

Hydrogen Plane Looks to Gain Serious Altitude

HES Energy System hopes the vehicle will offer zero emission flights. A Singapore-based aviation firm is developing a hydrogen-powered plane it says will offer zero emission flights. HES Energy Systems’ Element One uses ‘ultra-light’ hydrogen fuel cells and...

Scientists Hit Back: Another Paper Claims 100% Renewables is Possible and Affordable

Is it possible for the world to run on 100 percent renewable energy? It's a noble goal, as the best science tells us we must significantly slash fossil fuel consumption or else...

Researchers Develop Solar Paint That Turns Water Vapor Into Hydrogen

It may be getting cheaper and easier to install solar panels onto your rooftop but what if you could generate clean energy for your home with just some paint? This reality is inching...

Oil Giants Need to Invest Heavily in Renewables by 2035, Says Analysis

More than a fifth of investment by the largest oil and gas companies could be in wind and solar power in just over a decade, according to analysis of how global changes...

German and Italian Firms Join Forces on Hydrogen Bus Development

A group of German and Italian public transit companies are seeking tenders for the development of 63 hydrogen fuel cell buses as part of an EU-funded low emission transport project to help...

Here Comes the First Hydrogen Filling Station (PHOTO)

Installed in its new premises, Swiss Hydrogen SA recently inaugurated the first hydrogen station in Freiburg and unveiled the "Hy-Rex 10", a 100% zero-free of CO2 emission range extender for electric vehicles. Swiss...

Shell Launches its First Hydrogen Refuelling Station in the UK

Shell announces the launch of its first hydrogen refuelling station in the UK at its Cobham service station on the M25. The new hydrogen station has been supplied by ITM Power and...

Germans Get Almost One-Third of Electricity from Renewables in 2016

In another shining example of renewable energy leadership, in 2016, Germany used more renewable electricity than ever before, receiving 32 percent of the gross amount of electricity consumed in the country from...

Denmark’s Latest Offshore Wind Auction Could Award Enough Capacity to Meet the Country’s Entire Electricity Demand

Denmark opened an offshore wind tender which could award up to 10 GW. If successful, the awarded capacity would be enough to meet all of the country’s electricity demand. It could also...

Doubling energy investment in Africa requires urgent action to bring down financing costs and boost access to capital

New report outlines innovative solutions for African countries to unleash the spending needed to achieve the continent’s energy and climate goals. Swift action to improve access to capital and ease financing costs is...

How India’s climate leadership is building a better future for all

India is poised to be a global leader when it comes to economy, technology and trade. Now, it has an opportunity to seize the moment and help the world address climate change...

Top 10 things you didn’t know about wind power

10. Human civilizations have harnessed wind power for thousands of years. Early forms of windmills used wind to crush grain or pump water. Now, modern wind turbines use the wind to create electricity....

Germany and Spain Stick to Plan to Build New Gas Pipeline

Germany and Spain are sticking to their plan to build a new gas pipeline across the Pyrenees in defiance of French opposition, a joint action plan showed. The meeting between German Chancellor Olaf...

Mihajlovic: It is realistic that electricity will become more expensive, we have prepared a regulation for vulnerable population

Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said that she expects the price of electricity for citizens to rise and that the Regulation on energy-vulnerable customers has been prepared, which will help...



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