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How Plastic is Infiltrating the World’s Soils

The images are sobering: dead sea birds and choking turtles caught in the plastic that is increasingly flooding into marine ecosystems. In many parts of the world, this type of plastic pollution has...

The True Cost of Black Friday

The end of the year is near: a change in seasons and celebrations of traditional holidays around the world. For many, that means an increase in consumption habits. Big brands sit back...

Climate Action in Agribusiness Could Reduce Emissions by up to 7 percent

Targeted action in agriculture could have a massive impact on climate change, according to a joint brief by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Investment Centre of the...

Science Expertise Integral to The COP26 Negotiations

International science advisors from around the globe have signed an open letter, emphasizing that "the scentific case for urgent climate action is unequivocal." The letter was posted on the UK government's website...

Tea and Coffee: Celebrating Their Cultural, Social and Economic Importance

Global tea and coffee experts came together to explore and celebrate the cultural, social, and economic importance of the world’s two most popular beverages including their role in making agri-food systems more...

How Eco-Labelling Can Drive Consumer Decision-Making

“What exactly happens between the farm and the table?” Each year, 17 percent of total global food available at retail may be wasted, including 11 percent at the household level, says the United...

Three Ways You Can Protect Rivers

Rivers provide immense benefits and services to people, communities, and the planet—from drinking water to crop irrigation. Unfortunately, invaluable river systems all over the world are under increased stress from damming of...

Key Renewables Payers Call for Collaboration Between Renewable Energy and Agriculture Sectors

Energy use is responsible for about one-third of greenhouse gases emitted by the food systems. With its continuously declining costs, renewables have become an attractive and effective way to fuel the achievement...

World Needs USD 8.1 Trillion Investment in Nature by 2050 to Tackle Triple Planetary Crisis

A total investment in nature of USD 8.1 trillion is required between now and 2050 – while annual investment should reach USD 536 billion annually by 2050 – in order to successfully...

This Flying AI Robot Can Pick Fruit – Preventing Waste in the Process

It’s getting harder to find fruit pickers to harvest the world’s orchards. COVID-19 travel restrictions have prevented seasonal workers crossing borders, so some farmers are turning to AI drones to pick their...

World Leaders Set for Pivotal Environmental Assembly

In February 2021, representatives of the 193 Member States of the UN, businesses leaders, civil society and environmentalists from around the world will come together virtually for the fifth session of the...

As Climate Change Hits Harder, World Must Increase Efforts to Adapt

2020 was not only the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also the year of intensifying climate change: high temperatures, floods, droughts, storms, wildfires and even locust plagues. Even more worryingly,...

2020 Ties With 2016 as World’s Hottest Year on Record

Last year tied with 2016 as the world’s warmest year on record, rounding off the hottest decade globally as the impacts of climate change intensified, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service...

The Year that COVID Built: a Look Back on 2020

What will you remember about 2020? Many of us suffered loss of loved ones from the pandemic; even more of us have seen our livelihoods put in peril. But there are some memories we...

World Climate Research Programme Moves Towards a New Future

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) is to be restructured, building on its 40 years of successful fundamental climate research to face an era where there is an urgent need for solutions...

FAO Launches the UN’s International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today launched the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) with an appeal to improve healthy...



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