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IEEFA Norway: Why the World’s Biggest Sovereign Wealth Fund Should Invest in Global Renewable Energy Infrastructure

We published a report this morning that highlights how Norway is at a historic crossroads in how it manages some of its vast national wealth bound up in the Government Pension Fund...

Accurate Solar Energy Forecasting Could Save Ratepayers Millions

A 2015 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and IBM found that more accurate day-ahead predictions of solar energy generation levels would save ratepayers in California $5 million in avoided costs....

USAID Announces $4 Million to Solar Start-ups for African Off-Grid Energy

At the 22nd session of the UN Climate conference (COP 22), Power Africa Coordinator Andrew M. Herscowitz announced $4 million in new investments to eight companies that are revolutionizing household solar power...

RE100 Urges EU Energy Policy Revamp to Boost Renewables

The EU's energy policy needs to deliver a series of "transformational changes" if the bloc is to help businesses meet their clean electricity goals. That is the conclusion of a new report from...

UK Climate Targets at Risk Without Government Support for Windfarms, Says Energy Boss

The UK’s climate targets are at risk if the government does not reverse its decision to end support for windfarms, the head of one of the Big Six energy companies has warned. Keith...

‘The Heat is There’: Is There a Future for Geothermal Energy in Australia?

In July 2010, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena) took a $32m gamble on geothermal energy, investing in Australia’s first demonstration of geothermal electricity generation. Six years later, the wells in South Australia’s...

The World’s First Wind-Hydro Turbines Will Generate Energy Even When There’s no Breeze

One of the biggest challenges wind farms face is how to generate power when there’s no wind. Max Bögl Wind AG and GE Renewable Energy are attempting to solve that issue by...

Low Cost of Electricity in ND Discouraging Solar Energy Investments

North Dakota averages 60 percent of possible sunshine each day, according to the North Dakota State Climate Office. But according to Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Energy Efficiency, the state...

Strengthen the Capacities for the Use of Bioenergy in Serbia

Delegation of German Economy in Serbia organized a conference entitled ‘Biomass and Biogas in Serbia’ at the beginning of April in Belgrade. A number of interested companies from Germany held a presentation...

From Swords to Solar, a German Town Takes Control of its Energy

The German town of Saerbeck is a swords to solar panels story. Above this former German military ammunition camp, perched atop a metal stem like an oversized stalk of wheat, giant blades...

Renewable Energy in Eastern Ukraine: For the children of the Town of Bryanka, the answer was blowing in the wind

Power outages are common in rural areas of Eastern Ukraine partly due to the worn out power lines infrastructure and also because of harsh weather conditions in the winter and autumn. For...


The engineers of the Ceefor company, in cooperation with the company GOPA – International Energy Consultants (Intec), participated in the organization of a study trip to Germany as part of the project...

Renewables at the Service of Nature and Society

When we read the news in the field of energy, often we stumble upon terms such as feed-in tariff, auction, net metering and prosumer. If you are not familiar with them and...

GE Enhances Digital Power Plant Software and Extends Reliability and Efficiency Apps to Hydropower and the Electricity Grid

GE announced two days ago a significant expansion of its suite of Predix -based software for power producers, grid operators and energy managers. GE’s latest release of Digital Power Plant software for gas,...

Will EPS Be Ready for the Winter?

In Kostolac B thermal power plant, the B2 unit overhaul has been completed and 350 megawatts unit is connected to the power grid. The plan is to have B1 unit online, after the capital...

Together for the Preservation of Nauter’s Diversity

The Regional Office of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) was founded twenty years ago. During that period, its goals have been adapted...



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