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Takeout Lunches Generate Obscene Amounts of Packaging Waste

Eating on the go is costly not only to our wallets, but also to the environment.Eating lunch on the go generates nearly 11 billion pieces of packaging waste every year – and...

Farmers Interested in Biogas Plants

Unlike fossil fuels, biogas is a permanently renewable fuel, since it is produced from biomass. The use of biogas helps to improve the country’s energy balance and contributes to the conservation of...

The Last Straw: European Parliament Votes to Ban Single-Use Plastics

The European parliament has voted to ban single-use plastic cutlery, cotton buds, straws and stirrers as part of a sweeping law against plastic waste that despoils beaches and pollutes oceans.The vote by...

Report Finds Plastic’s Entire Lifecycle Harmful to Humans

The global effort to reduce plastic production and waste often focuses on the use of specific items – straws, single-use grocery bags – or on the challenge of recycling or how to...

Golf Is Not as Green as Grass: Teen Finds Golf Balls Are a Major Source of Plastic Waste in Our Oceans

The plastic waste in our oceans is a major environmental problem thanks to humans tossing out single-use items like take-out containers, plastic straws, water bottles and plastic bags. But there is also...

Seeds on the Moon Started to Sprout for the First Time — but Quickly Died

China has taken a major step toward long-term space exploration. Earlier this month, the Chinese moon probe Chang’e 4 carried a container with cotton, mustard and potato seeds, yeast and fruit fly...

Production Is Love in the Long Run

Novi Sad-based company “Eko-sistem” creates new products from waste tires: mats for playgrounds, speed bumps, wheels for bins and containers. The possibilities are not exhausted. The recycled tire can change its shape...

Waste-To-Energy Test Plant Takes out the Trash in Rio

The test facility produces enough biogas each month to power a fleet of 1,000 cars.Rio de Janeiro is taking out the trash with a new pilot waste-to-energy plant. The City Company of Urban Cleaning (Comlurb)...

Government and Recyclers Partnership Offers the Best Solutions

During the recycling process, waste is converted into raw materials that can be further used in the production process. The use of recycled materials saves natural resources and energy. Recycling pollutes the...

Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop – or Can You?

A green group has called for Pringles packaging to be made fully recyclable.Pringles packaging needs to be redesigned to be fully recyclable and more environmentally friendly. That’s the verdict from the Recycling Association,...

EU Parliament Backs Ban on Single-Use Plastics

The throwaway plastics to be banned from 2021 include straws, cutlery, plates, balloon sticks and cotton budsThe proposals also call for at least a 25% reduction by 2025 in the use...

UK Plastics Recycling Industry Under Investigation for Fraud and Corruption

Exclusive: Watchdog examining claims plastic waste is not being recycled but left to leak into rivers and oceans. The plastics recycling industry is facing an investigation into suspected widespread abuse and fraud within...

A Short Guide to Building a Sustainable Shelter in Nature

Imagine you are on a desert island. You are trying to invoke the image of Bear Grylls in hope for some hint on survival technique, but with no success whatsoever. You have...

Volvo’s Low Emission Efforts Keep on Truckin’

It autonomous ‘Vera’ vehicle aims to slash emissions and boost productivity in logistics operations.Volvo has announced a new autonomous electric vehicle (EV) to works in ports, factories and other logistics centres.Its ‘Vera’ design has no...

A Beer Crisis Is Brewing in Germany as Bottle Recycling Slows Amid Heatwaves

With summer still in full swing and heatwaves gripping countries around the world, breweries across Germany have been scrambling to keep up with the beer demand from hot and thirsty customers. The...

Deluge of Electronic Waste Turning Thailand into ‘World’s Rubbish Dump’

At a deserted factory outside Bangkok, skyscrapers made from vast blocks of crushed printers, Xbox components and TVs tower over black rivers of smashed-up computer screens. This is a tiny fraction of the...



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