Search results for:green fund

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Scotland Sets Ambitious Goal of 66% Emissions Cut within 15 Years

Scotland is seeking to dramatically cut its reliance on fossil fuels for cars, energy and homes after setting a radical target to cut total climate emissions by 66% within 15 years. In one...

City of London Grants ClientEarth £100,000 to Expand Air Pollution Work

ClientEarth has been awarded £100,000 to expand its work tackling air pollution in the UK capital by the City of London Corporation's charity arm, City Bridge Trust. Announced late last week, the funding...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey Rank as Best States for Clean Energy Corporates

Iowa, Illinois and New Jersey are the best states in the US for procuring clean energy, a new study from the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and the Information Technology Industry Council...

Solar Energy Growing Fast, but Night Time is Still a Problem

The idea that solar power may soon be everywhere isn’t nutty anymore. The price of solar panels has plunged more than 80% in the past five years and is expected to keep...

First US Petcoke-To-Methanol Plant With Carbon Capture Tech Gets DOE Loan Guarantees

On the shortest day of 2016, the US Department of Energy announced that it has made the “first ever offer for a conditional commitment” of loan guarantees under its Advanced Fossil Energy...

Primrose Solar Divests Entire Portfolio of UK Solar Farms

Renewable energy developer Primrose Solar has now divested its entire portfolio of solar farms, having announced the sale of its five remaining UK solar assets yesterday. The 80MW transaction has seen infrastructure investor...

Invest in EU: EUR 438 Million to Support Renewable Energy in Belgium

The European Investment Bank (EIB) will support the construction of the Norther wind farm off the Belgian coast with a loan of EUR 438 million. Half of this amount will be guaranteed...

Queensland’s Largest Solar Farm Plugs Into the Grid a Month Early

Queensland’s largest operating solar farm has plugged into the national electricity grid and is set to generate enough power for almost 10,000 households by the end of 2016. The Barcaldine remote community solar...

Bill Gates and Billionaire Allies Launch $1bn ‘Breakthrough’ Clean Tech Investment Venture

A year on from announcing plans to accelerate investment in clean energy research on the sidelines of the Paris Summit, Bill Gates has officially launched a new $1bn clean tech investment fund...

Camden Council Launches Fuel Poverty Tackling Solar Project

Camden Council has this week announced it has teamed up with Islington Council and Waltham Forest Council to deliver a pilot programme designed to reduce the fuel bills of residents at risk...

Fossil Fuel Divestment Pledges Top $5tr, as Investors ‘Fast Losing Faith’ in High Carbon Assets

The anniversary of the Paris Agreement was marked today with the release of a new report, revealing companies and individuals with nearly $5.2tr of assets under management have now pledged to divest...

European Support for Cheaper and Cleaner Heat and Power in Lithuania

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 190 million loan agreement with Lietuvos Energija for the greenfield construction of new combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plant in Vilnius. The project is expected to...

Centrica to Trial £19m Local Smart Grid in Cornwall

Energy giant Centrica has launched a new local energy market trial in Cornwall in a bid to test how a more distributed grid could help generation be managed closer to the point...

Jordan Powers Up Giant Solar Plant, As Enerray Seeks To Unlock Region’s ‘Huge Potential’

A 23.1MW solar plant covering a surface area of half a million square metres has been connected to Jordan's national grid, the developers of the project have announced. Led by Saudi renewable energy...

Cities Are Crucial to the Future of Energy

Last month, politicians, energy executives, and energy experts met in Istanbul for the 23rd World Energy Congress. A new report written by Arup for the congress outlines that although cities consume the...



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