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The World’s First Floating Wind Turbine is in Norway

Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world when it comes to renewable energy sources, the use of oil resources and the profits that the state has of these...

Balkan Countries Unite in a War on Waste

Under the rubric of the Let’s Do It campaign, Albanian and Kosovar activists jointly cleared their border area and the polluted Lake Vermica last April, in a Wombles-style campaign that has involved...

Clean air takes centre stage at Sarajevo Film Festival

Second annual Enviro Day sees the UN Environment Programme and Sarajevo Film Festival join forces to raise awareness of the importance of clean air in Bosnia and Herzegovina - home to some...

Hidden pollution exchange between oceans and groundwater revealed

Researchers have uncovered previously hidden sources of ocean pollution along more than 20 percent of America's coastlines. The study, published online Aug. 4 in the journal Science, offers the first-ever map of underground...

Mapping Europe’s quiet areas

One-third of Europe’s countryside is potentially affected by noise pollution caused by human activity, according to a new report published in June by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Protecting areas not yet...

Lower oil prices affect global growth of mining industry, says UNIDO report

Global production growth from mining activities remained low in 2015 and was significantly affected by lower crude oil prices, and the combined production of mining and utilities rose a mere 1.0 per...

IRENA Conference Set to Boost Off-Grid Renewable Energy Development Worldwide

Key stakeholders from the off-grid renewable energy sector – including policy makers, the private sector, financiers, and development institutions – will gather in Nairobi, Kenya from 30 September to 1 October 2016,...

France passes ‘pioneering’ food waste bill to ban supermarkets from binning unused food

France passes new food waste bill obliging supermarkets to hand over unused food to charity and not destroy leftover products, claiming the law will be "unique in Europe". France is to enact...

Climate Change: Cities are Key to Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The heat that saw forest fires sweep through Uttarakhand and damage the already fragile ecosystem of the Himalayas… the heat spikes that caused deaths in Rajasthan and Bihar… the drought that put...

Small Increase in Energy Investment Could Cut Premature Deaths from Air Pollution in Half by 2040

Each year an estimated 6.5 million deaths are linked to air pollution with the number set to increase significantly in coming decades unless the energy sector takes greater action to curb emissions....

Tackling Plastic pollution Should Begin at the Source

Marine Litter Vital Graphics, highlights why it is important to act now if we want to avoid living in a sea of plastic by mid-century. Though short-term fixes do exist, any lasting...

Solar Power Boosts Food Production & Fights Poverty

We all know that solar power offers myriad health and environmental benefits over traditional energy sources — including reduced emissions and improved air quality — but the social benefits it offers are...

Solar Energy to Power India of the Future

The World Bank Group is moving to help India deliver on its unprecedented plans to scale up solar energy, from installing solar panels on rooftops to setting up massive solar parks. This...

Which countries have plans for all new cars to be electric, and when?

Plug-in electric cars currently make up a fairly small percentage of the millions of new vehicles sold globally. But within the next two decades, they may be the only new cars available...

Antarctic CO2 Hits 400ppm for the First Time in 4m Years

We’re officially living in a new world. Carbon dioxide has been steadily rising since the start of the Industrial Revolution, setting a new high year after year. There’s a notable new entry to...

Welcome to Formentera, the Island that Wants all its Cars Electric

 The tiny Mediterranean island of Formentera has taken delivery of six electric cars as part of an ambitious plan to be the first island in Europe to banish traditional cars from its...



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