Search results for:green technology

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Finland Reveals Plans To Wipe Out Coal Use By 2030

Within the next fifteen years coal will have no place in the Finnish energy system, according to a new climate plan released yesterday by the Finnish government which sets out a roadmap...

Grundfos: to Be the Best with the Best

Currently in the world, about 13% of primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources although the technological capacities are significantly higher. Contrary to renewable sources are non-renewable energy sources. They could be...

UK’s Largest Community-Owned Rooftop Solar Array Installed at Oxfordshire Aerospace Factory

Installation of the UK's largest community-owned rooftop solar array has been completed at UTC Aerospace Systems CTG's manufacturing site in Banbury, Oxfordshire. The 2,590 panel project installed at the facility generates 593,304 kWh...

Renewable Energy to Crown Buckingham Palace’s £369m Makeover

Solar panels could be fitted onto the roof of Buckingham Palace as part of a £369m renovation of the iconic building, according to a programme report for the proposed refit published last...

UNIDO and China strengthen the global innovation network on inclusive and sustainable industrial development

The China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) will fund a new project to strengthen the global innovation network on inclusive and sustainable industrial development, which is the mandate of...

Advanced Coal Technologies Could Provide Carbon Relief

Coal is not clean. But that does not mean that it could not be made cleaner. And that’s relevant because much of the developing world will remain dependent on coal, as will...

China is Building a Giant Solar Plant at Chernobyl

A new solar summer rises from the ashes of nuclear winter. Two Chinese energy firms will be constructing a new solar power plant in the exclusion zone near the Chernobyl nuclear reactor,...

USAID Announces $4 Million to Solar Start-ups for African Off-Grid Energy

At the 22nd session of the UN Climate conference (COP 22), Power Africa Coordinator Andrew M. Herscowitz announced $4 million in new investments to eight companies that are revolutionizing household solar power...

Giant 8MW Turbine Delivers First Power From Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm

A giant 8MW offshore wind turbine in Liverpool Bay has delivered power to the grid for the first time, chalking up another important milestone for the UK's offshore wind industry. DONG Energy announced...

Morocco Lights the Way for Africa on Renewable Energy

As the host of this year’s COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco has been keen to demonstrate its green credentials and make this COP the “African COP”. In the past year, Morocco...

Report: Boosting Energy Efficiency Investment Crucial for Hitting Climate Targets

Energy efficiency is an area of climate action with "enormous untapped potential", according to a new report released today by the Carbon Trust which underscores the urgent need for increased global investment...

Policies are critical for the invisible fuel

Though 2015 was a record year for renewables, there is another energy technology that is making steady – but quiet – progress in limiting greenhouse gas emissions: energy efficiency. Managing how much energy...

Indonesia, Vietnam look to blaze trail for solar in Southeast Asia

Indonesia and Vietnam are looking to join Thailand in blazing a trail for solar power in Southeast Asia, introducing targets to fire up green energy generation as a landmark global agreement to...

Thassalia: France’s First Marine Geothermal Energy Power Plant Inaugurated

French utility Engie has inaugurated the nation’s first self-termed marine geothermal power station on France’s southern coast, in Marseille. The Thassalia power station will pump seawater from the Port of Marseille into...

Britain’s Last Coal Power Plants to Close by 2025

The last coal power station in Britain will be forced to close in 2025, the government has said as it laid out the detail of its plan to phase-out the polluting fossil...

Day 1 of Climate Talks: We Must ‘Change the Course of Two Centuries of Carbon-Intense Development’

The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech kicked off yesterday, just three days after the Paris climate change agreement entered into force. At the opening, Morocco's Foreign Minister and newly-elected COP22 President Salaheddine...



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