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The World’s First Wind-Hydro Turbines Will Generate Energy Even When There’s no Breeze

One of the biggest challenges wind farms face is how to generate power when there’s no wind. Max Bögl Wind AG and GE Renewable Energy are attempting to solve that issue by...

Air Pollution more Deadly in Africa than Malnutrition or Dirty Water, Study Warns

Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a...

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation Launches Circular Cities Network

On 6 October the Ellen MacArthur Foundation hosts the launch event of its Circular Cities Network, a global network of city leaders who are pioneering the application of circular economy approaches to...

Helping Lay the Groundwork for Electric Vehicles

For every promise of how electric vehicles will revolutionize transportation, there is a matching practical challenge. If electric vehicles need recharging, how do we make that process fast and convenient? If all...

Reykjavík: the Geothermal City that aims to Go Carbon Neutral

Icelandic capital plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2040 by reversing urban sprawl and promoting walking, cycling and public transport. Reykjavík used to be marketed as a place of...

Off-Grid Renewables Offer Unprecedented Opportunity to Achieve 100% Energy Access

More than 500 participants gathered in Nairobi last week for the opening of the third International Off-Grid Renewable Energy Conference (IOREC). Organized by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the conference aims...

IEA Encourages Turkey to Deepen Energy Market Reforms

Since the last IEA in-depth review in 2009, Turkey has made significant progress in reforming its energy sector. Completing the reforms will allow Turkey to tap into its renewable and energy efficiency...

Water Crisis in Bangladesh

With a population of over 15 million people, Dhaka - the capital of Bangladesh - is considered a mega-city and shares many of the water management problems common to other major cities. While...

Spain Closes In on 50 Percent Renewable Power Generation

Over the first eight months of this year, Spain averaged an impressive 47.2 percent renewable energy share in its generation mix. The achievement was reported by Spanish electricity transmission system operator, Red...

China Tops WHO List for Deadly Outdoor Air Pollution

China is the world’s deadliest country for outdoor air pollution, according to analysis by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The UN agency has previously warned that tiny particulates from cars, power plants and...

Roadmap to Close World’s Biggest Dumpsites Unveiled at ISWA Congress 2016

The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) has presented a roadmap for closing the world’s biggest waste dumpsites yesterday at the start if its annual Congress in Novi Sad, Serbia. As a measure to...

Cities Are at the Frontline of the Energy Transition

Cities dominate energy demand, and by extension are responsible for a significant share of carbon emissions. In 2013, the world’s urban areas accounted for about 64% of global primary energy use and...

Costa Rica Has Been Running on 100 Percent Renewables for Two Months

Costa Rica ran on 100 percent renewable energy for 76 straight days between June and August this year, according to a new report, demonstrating that life without fossil fuels is possible -...

Global Oil Demand Can Only Increase

While incremental annual gains obviously vary, there is nothing more assured than increasing global oil demand. The steady drumbeat of more people, making more money, using more oil may be boring to...

Adapting to a Drier World

Water, which covers more than two-thirds of the planet’s surface, is fundamental to life. It is also essential to energy production. Water is critical to pumping oil and natural gas out of the...

UN Environment Chief Discusses Lagoon Clean-up, Air Pollution, Wildlife Protection, and Marine Erosion with Côte d’Ivoire Prime Minister

Erik Solheim just concluded a two-day visit to Abidjan, a first for a Head of UN Environment in Côte d'Ivoire. The visit provided an opportunity to present the priorities of his mandate...



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