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It’s Official: Solar Is Becoming World’s Cheapest Form of New Electricity

For the first time, solar power is becoming the cheapest form of electricity production in the world, according to new statistics from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) released Thursday. While unsubsidized solar has...

Boone, NC Passes Historic Resolution: Ditch Fossil Fuels, Go 100% Clean Energy

With an incoming presidential administration seemingly hostile towards action on climate change, local solutions are now more important than ever. With or without Donald Trump's help, the North Carolina municipality of Boone...

America’s First Offshore Wind Farm Goes Online

With the flip of a switch Monday, the country's first offshore wind power project began commercial operations. That's something to celebrate—and it's only the beginning for this abundant energy resource! Developed by U.S.-based...

Air Quality in Holy City of Varanasi ‘Most Toxic in India’

Air quality in the Indian holy city of Varanasi is “the most toxic in the country” according to research that reveals the extent of the pollution crisis across northern India. There has been...

Medium-Term Coal Market Report 2016

Growth in global coal demand will stall over the next five years as the appetite for the fuel wanes and other energy sources gain ground, according to the latest coal forecast from...

Cities Are Crucial to the Future of Energy

Last month, politicians, energy executives, and energy experts met in Istanbul for the 23rd World Energy Congress. A new report written by Arup for the congress outlines that although cities consume the...

Off-grid Solar to Help Myanmar Bring Electricity to All by 2030

Four feet in length, of aggressive disposition, and deadly poisonous: you don’t want to stand on a Russell’s viper in the dark. Especially if there’s no antivenom for miles around. Yet that’s...

UN development chief meets communities grappling with scarce and vulnerable water resources in Burkina Faso

Wrapping up a three-day visit to the country, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark met today with a rural community in Burkina Faso which is bearing the brunt of the effects of environmental degradation...

Madrid Poised to Restrict Cars in City Centre Amid Air Pollution Fears

Madrid’s city council is on the verge of temporarily slashing the number of cars allowed into the city centre by half as the Spanish capital struggles with high levels of air pollution. With...

World’s largest study shows effects of long-term exposure to air pollution and traffic noise on blood pressure

Long-term exposure to air pollution is linked to a greater incidence of high blood pressure, according to the largest study to investigate the effects of both air pollution and traffic noise by...

Cameroon: $100 Million to Boost Livestock Sector for Improved Productivity and Climate Change Resilience

The World Bank Board of Executive Director approved today $100 million to help Cameroon improve the productivity and competitiveness of targeted livestock production systems in the country over the next six years. The...

GIZ Accredited by Green Climate Fund

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been accredited as an implementing organisation by the Green Climate Fund. GIZ can now apply for financing from the fund for projects with...

More Northeast Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Brings Questions

Led by the surge in Appalachia’s Marcellus and Utica plays, U.S. natural gas production has increased over 50% since 2005 and related infrastructure to move the gas has become short. This is...

Singapore Becomes IEA Association Country

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has welcomed Singapore as an IEA Association Country, deepening the partnership between both sides for a more sustainable and secure energy future. The announcement was made jointly...

This Massive Farm Grows 15% of Australia’s Tomatoes without Soil, Fresh Water or Fossil Fuels

Did you know there is a way to grow tons of fresh fruits and vegetables with saltwater and solar energy? The good people at SunDrop Farms are doing just that with their...

Energy Efficient Prosperity: Green Buildings

A couple of years ago, the Ngewana family sat around the kitchen table of their Cape Town home and set themselves a target: over the next six months, they would try to...



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