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Solar Energy

Why should we use solar energy at all?   The sunlight is a source of energy that is responsible for favourable climatic conditions and for the existence of ecosystem on our planet. Most...

Terms of Use

Energy portal offers its services to customers in good faith. By using the services of the Energy Portal website you acknowledge that you do so by taking full responsibility and the Energy...


StrategiesThe National Renewable Energy Action Plan of The Republic of Serbia (NAPOIE) (28.06.2013) is a document that encourages investments in renewable energy sources (RES), and in which the goals for the use...


Serbian Energy Portal offers a range of membership offers for corporate customers, institutions, organizations and citizens, and in accordance with different needs of those interested for renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and...


Energy Portal is all-day updated business portal with the freshest information from renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and wider – sustainable development. As an ideal guide for investors and other interested parties...


LawsLegal regulations in the field of energy were changed in April 2021 when the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted two laws: the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources...

Invest in Project

You have the capital that you want to invest in certain and profitable business, with placement of 100% and 100% guaranteed repayment of placement, we recommend the RES and EE projects from...

Find an Investor

You have the project in the field of RES and EE, idea, vision, knowledge. You miss the experience and financial capacity to realize your project.We have the people who know to evaluate...

Hydroflow Energy

Why do some investors lose huge money and time in preparing the project for the construction of a small hydropower plant …   ... and after long wandering through the system of institutions responsible...


Biomass – the most widespread and inefficiently used source of energyLimited resources of fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect that man has created, bring us back to sustainable fuels. Biomass is a...

About Us

Energy portal (EP) is a specialized public broadcasting medium on sustainable energetics that daily updates the most important news and information necessary for investors and other parties in renewable energy sources (RES),...


DecreesDecree on the Amount of Special Feed-in Tariff in 2014Decree on the Method of Calculation and Allocation of Funds Collected for the Purpose of Incentive Remunerations for Privileged Power Producers Decree on...

Submit Project

You have a realized project in the field of RES on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, or you are yet planning to implement it. Send us more information on your...

Energy Efficiency

Energy EfficiencyHow to use the necessary energy in the most efficient wayEvery day, people use energy for transportation, cooking, heating, cooling, manufacturing, and lighting, as well as for entertainment and many other...

EP Interview Hon. Branko Terzić

Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency in 2015 and beyond The turn of the year presents a usual moment to consider what is behind us. On setting goals, global and regional trends and...


RegulationLaws, Decrees, Regulations, and Rules define the energy sector regulation of the Republic of Serbia. The most important state institutions within which the Laws in Serbia were passed, and later all other...



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