Search results for:Greenhouse gas emissions

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The Cost of Climate INaction in the Agricultural Sector

This week key policymakers of the European Parliament discuss the EU’s largest climate instrument. Ahead of the debate, five organizations expose how a loophole in the law could significantly increase the costs...

‘Paris Agreement Not Enough’ to Prevent Catastrophic Coral Bleaching, Marine Biologists Warn

Current targets for reducing damaging greenhouse gas emissions are not enough to prevent catastrophic loss of the world’s coral reefs, marine biologists have warned. Rising sea surface temperatures are having a devastating effect...

Ikea Plans Mushroom-Based Packaging as Eco-Friendly Replacement for Polystyrene

Ikea plans to use packaging made with mushrooms as an eco-friendly replacement for polystyrene, the Swedish retail giant has revealed. The flat-pack furniture retailer is looking at using the biodegradable "fungi packaging" as...

Energy Positive: How Denmark’s Samsø Island Switched to Zero Carbon

Anyone doubting the potential of renewable energy need look no further than the Danish island of Samsø. The 4,000-inhabitant island nestled in the Kattegat Sea has been energy-positive for the past decade,...

Minister Tiilikainen: Finland to Achieve Carbon-Neutrality by 2045

Finland has every opportunity to serve as a model country in climate and energy policy, says Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Kimmo Tiilikainen. Making use of the available and new solutions...

End Fossil Fuel Subsidies by 2020, Insurers and Investors Tell G20

A coalition of 16 leading investors and insurers, including Aviva Investors, Aegon Asset Management and Legal & General, have today urged G20 nations to halt all subsidies for fossil fuels by the...

Humans Causing Climate to Change 170 Times Faster than Natural Forces

Researchers behind ‘Anthropocene equation’ say impact of people’s intense activity on Earth far exceeds that of natural events spread across millennia. For the first time, researchers have developed a mathematical equation to describe...

Melbourne Trams to Be Solar-Powered under Andrews Government Proposal

Building large-scale solar farms in northern Victoria part of plan to reduce state’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050. Melbourne’s tram network will become entirely solar-powered under a proposal by the Andrews...

Trump Administration Tells EPA to Cut Climate Page from Website: Sources

U.S. President Donald Trump's administration has instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to remove the climate change page from its website, two agency employees told Reuters, the latest move by the newly minted...

EBRD and AIFC Launch Study for Green Financial System in Kazakhstan

In a new step to support Kazakhstan’s path towards a greener economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a study that will assess the potential of developing a...

France’s Energy Transition Is Vital for Energy Security, According to Latest IEA Review

The International Energy Agency (IEA) praised France for setting in motion significant reforms towards more secure, affordable and sustainable energy supplies and the green growth of its economy. Over the past ten years...

GIZ in Germany Is Climate Nutral

For the first time, the greenhouse gas emissions of the company’s operations in Germany have been offset through a GIZ self-initiated climate change mitigation project. As a federally-owned enterprise and service provider for...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Four US Cities Urge Carmakers to Boost Electric Vehicle Production

City mayors from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle have released a joint request for US carmakers to step up EV production in order to meet growing demand for electric vehicles...

Essen is Europe’s 2017 Green Capital

The German city of Essen is Europe's "Green Capital" in 2017, a title awarded by the European Commission, for its success in transitioning from a heavily polluting mining center to a clean...

Solar Panel Researchers Investigate Powering Trains by Bypassing Grid

Imperial College and climate change charity 10:10 to focus on connecting solar panels directly to train lines, reports BusinessGreen. Imperial College London has partnered with the climate change charity 10:10 to investigate the...



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