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Meet the World’s First Island Powered by an Off-Grid Renewable Energy System

A tiny, scenic island lying off Scotland's west coast is truly a model for sustainable, off-grid living. With no mainland electricity connection, the Isle of Eigg gets its electricity from the water,...

Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano: Green Climate Fund Will Be the Biggest Financial Mechanism

Climate change is a global problem and the obligation of each country is to actively participate in the fight against all these changes. Serbia plans to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement by...

GreenWish Partners Doubles Plans For Nigerian Solar Capacity Addition To 200 Megawatts

Investment company GreenWish Partners has doubled its planned capacity addition in Nigeria’s solar power market. GreenWish Partners now plans to set up 200 megawatts of solar power capacity in Nigeria after entering into...

Myanmar’s Eco-Friendly Startup Transforms Trash into Treasure—and Jobs

Trash is a big problem in Myanmar. Garbage is scattered in the streets with smells of burning trash never far behind—but an innovative social enterprise has found a way to turn that...

10 States Leading the Pack in Clean Energy Jobs

The solar, wind and energy efficiency industries already employ millions of people in the U.S. and they're poised to grow. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in...

Smart Meters to Help Reduce Food Wastage in UAE Hotels

With the staggering amounts of food waste around the world, the UAE leadership has recently taken action to drastically reduce food waste in the country. Ever since UAE Food Bank was announced to...

Why Cities are Outpacing Countries in the Race to Curb Climate Change

Cities from Oslo to Sydney are setting goals to curb climate change that exceed national targets, causing tensions with central governments about who controls policy over green energy and transport and construction. More...

How Wind Energy Helps to Conserve Water

The world is entering a new energy era, where consumption of renewable energy sources seems to be the only way to conserve nature and save life on the planet. By now, everybody knows...

Brazilian Urban Farming Project Could Reduce Carbon Emissions by 20 Percent

A controversial elevated highway in one of the largest urban centers in the world, São Paulo, Brazil, may be undergoing an urban agricultural renewal in the near future. The Minhocão, a 3.5 km...

Radmila Šerović: Waste Materials of One Industry Will Become Raw Materials of Another

The Chief of the Department for Waste Management at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is Ms Radmila Šerović who has been working in the state administration since 2002. More precisely,...

World Water Day: One in Four Children will Live with Water Scarcity by 2040

One in four of the world’s children will be living in areas with extremely limited water resources by 2040 as a result of climate change, the UN has warned. Within two decades, 600...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

Major Renewable Energy Projects in Africa and Asia

Five new partners joined UN Environment's Seed Assistance Facility today, committing to invest $50 million in clean power projects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. In a region like sub-Saharan Africa where, 600 million...

Active Competition Policy Key to Mexico’s Successful Energy Reform

Mexico embarked on an ambitious and comprehensive energy sector reform in recent years to harness market forces and attract new investments, moving away from its monopoly-driven system, and leading to increasing market...

This Map Shows the Countries with the Most ‘Toxic’ Environments on Earth

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have been named the most "toxic" nations on Earth in a new report. The Eco Experts gathered data on and then ranked 135 countries based on five environmental factors:...

Stuttgart (Germany) to Begin Selective Banning of Diesel Cars during High-Pollution Periods in 2018

The city of Stuttgart in Germany will be home to occasional selective bans of diesel cars during periods of high pollution beginning in 2018, going by a recent announcement from state officials...



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