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Achieving the Community Goals Through Investments in Energy Efficiency

Situated in the heart of Serbia and surrounded by the mountains Jelica, Ovčar, Kablar, and Vujan, Čačak is a city proud of its rich history. As one of the largest cities in...

When the Plain Grows Green

Numerous accomplished renewable energy projects (RES), as well as those that are still in their infancy, are proof of Vojvodina’s potential in this sector. We discussed with Ognjen Bjelić, the provincial secretary...

A Key Lever For Acceleratinf EV Adoption

The introduction of smart EV charging infrastructure is becoming a global goal of essential importance for the whole world, thus accelerating this trend, and using its benefits for both consumers and the...

Ocean Renewables: Powering the Blue Economy

Offshore renewables can play a key role in harnessing the benefits of the blue economy for sustainable development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), said IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera, at the...

100-percent Green Power: BMW Group to use Sustainably Produced Aluminium Wheels From 2024

The BMW Group is stepping up its activities in the field of sustainability and will use cast aluminium wheels produced with 100-percent green power for its BMW and MINI brands from 2024...

Energy Transition Holds Key to Tackle Global Energy and Climate Crisis

Short-term interventions addressing the current energy crisis must be accompanied by a steadfast focus on mid- and long-term goals of the energy transition. High fossil fuel prices, energy security concerns and the...

SEEGAS Addresses Vulnerabilities to Gas Disruptions in South-East Europe   

Gas stakeholders underlined that coordinated actions and measures were the best response to ensure the stability of the regional gas system following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The meeting under the South-East European...

The Fieragricola and Informatore Agrario Innovation Awards Have Been Announced

The winners of the fourth edition of the Italian Agriculture Innovation Awards were announced today. From agricultural robots to hybrid tractors with reversible drive through to food and feed with natural antioxidant...

Conference “RES Serbia 2021”

The first conference dedicated to green energy, “RES Serbia 2021”, organized by the Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia Association, supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), was held on...

Adoption of the RES Law is a Major Step Forward

The recently adopted Law on Renewable Energy Sources has brought many positive changes and drew the attention of foreign and domestic investors. Citizens and businesses were given the opportunity to become prosumers...

Today’s Energy Crisis Makes Supporting Clean Energy Start-Ups More Important Than Ever

Periods of energy disruption, like the one we are seeing today, offer an opening for disruptive technologies. A helping hand for clean energy start-ups can help respond to the current energy crisis...

REPowerEU: Joint European Action for More Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy

The European Commission has proposed an outline of a plan to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels well before 2030, starting with gas, in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This plan...

Global CO2 Emissions Rebounded to Their Highest Level in History in 2021

Increased use of coal was the main factor driving up global energy-related CO2 emissions by over 2 billion tonnes, their largest ever annual rise in absolute terms. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose...

3 Ways the Circular Economy is Vital for the Energy Transition

The circular economy is a system which aims to get the most out of materials, keep products and materials in use and design them to be cycled back into the economy, eliminating...

Running Like Clockwork

Solar panels on the roofs in Serbia are not a common picture. One, the first step into the world of photovoltaics is not going to cut it. However, this modest share of...

Number 23 – February 2022

We managed to achieve significant results in business, which is why I am very proud of our team! We actively participated in numerous conferences on renewable energy sources, which were attended by our company, a...



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