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Transforming the Power Sector, at IRENA Ministerial Meeting

Renewable energy, for three years running, has accounted for more new power generation capacity installed worldwide than all other sources combined. In 2015, over USD 270 billion were invested in solar PV...

Coal Demand Growth to Stall as Appetite Wanes, According to IEA

BEIJING — Growth in global coal demand will stall over the next five years as the appetite for the fuel wanes and other energy sources gain ground, according to the latest coal...

UK Offshore Wind Power Costs Tumble 32 Per Cent in Four Years

UK offshore wind power costs have plummeted by almost a third in four years, putting the technology on course to soon be level with the cost of conventional power generation, a report...

IRENA Director Urges Faster Pace on Decarbonization

“As we advance deeper into a new energy paradigm, we need to pick-up the pace of our decarbonization efforts.” That was the message this week from the director-general of the International Renewable...

New IRENA Report Details about Renewables

There is new comprehensive publication released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). REthinking Energy, now in its third edition, was released yesterday at IRENA’s seventh Assembly, the Agency’s ultimate decision-making authority. “Renewables...

Germans Get Almost One-Third of Electricity from Renewables in 2016

In another shining example of renewable energy leadership, in 2016, Germany used more renewable electricity than ever before, receiving 32 percent of the gross amount of electricity consumed in the country from...

Solar-Powered Farm From a Box is a Compact Farm Kit that Feeds 150 People

Two acres of land is enough to farm a sustainable food supply for as many as 150 people, and now a San Francisco startup is making it even easier to get that...

First US Petcoke-To-Methanol Plant With Carbon Capture Tech Gets DOE Loan Guarantees

On the shortest day of 2016, the US Department of Energy announced that it has made the “first ever offer for a conditional commitment” of loan guarantees under its Advanced Fossil Energy...

Gazprom’s Positions Remaining Stable Amid Changing External Environment

The Gazprom Board of Directors took note of the information about the impacts caused by the events of 2016 on the long-term outlook for the global energy market. It was highlighted that a...

Medium-Term Coal Market Report 2016

Growth in global coal demand will stall over the next five years as the appetite for the fuel wanes and other energy sources gain ground, according to the latest coal forecast from...

IAEA Mission Says Italy Committed to Nuclear Oversight; Needs to Further Develop Policies on Decommissioning and Waste Management

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of safety experts said Italy is committed to effective nuclear regulatory oversight but faces challenges related to resources and needs to further develop policies for...

Report: China Risks Wasting $500bn On Unneeded Coal Plants

China is at risk of wasting almost half a trillion dollars on new coal plants which could quickly become stranded assets as a result of the country's pursuit of a lower carbon...

Advanced Coal Technologies Could Provide Carbon Relief

Coal is not clean. But that does not mean that it could not be made cleaner. And that’s relevant because much of the developing world will remain dependent on coal, as will...

Tesla, SolarCity Power Entire Island With Solar + Batteries

Ta'u, an island in American Samoa, has turned its nose at fossil fuels and is now almost 100 percent powered with solar panels and batteries thanks to technology from the newly combined...

UK Ratifies Paris Climate Agreement

The UK has become the 111th country to ratify the Paris climate agreement, which aims to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change by cutting carbon emissions. The foreign minister, Boris Johnson,...

Solar Homes With Tesla’s Powerwall 2.0 Are Already Cost-Competitive With The Grid In Australia

As the world shifts towards renewable energy, cost competitiveness is sometimes still a factor. Fossil fuel proponents claim the polluting energy sources are cheaper, but that assertion is now harder to defend....



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