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A new cheaper type of non-flammable battery has been developed

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new, cheaper type of battery as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries, which are still very expensive. The new batteries are made...

France Plans Fashion Revolution With Climate-Impact Labels

Is it better for the environment if you buy a brand-new cotton T-shirt or a recycled one? Well, it depends. Recycling has apparent benefits, but the process shortens cotton fibres and so usually has...

Driest July in Memory Imperils Europe’s Crops

As much of Europe bakes in a third heatwave since June, fears are growing that extreme drought driven by climate change in the continent’s breadbasket nations will dent stable crop yields and...

Leveraging Urban Agriculture to Support Cities

Cities, which occupy just 3 percent of the Earth’s land, account for up to 80 percent of energy consumption and 75 percent of carbon emissions.  By 2050, nearly 70 percent of the global...

We are not Alone on the Path to Green Transformation

Less developed countries are torn between the struggle to preserve energy stability and the domestic economy on the one hand and the pressures imposed by the global energy transition on the other....

Recycled Material Made from Wood Shavings and Sawdust – “Cured” Wood Stronger Than Steel

Recycling wood waste, including wood shavings and sawdust, into a building material stronger than steel – that’s a brief way of describing the experiment carried out by researchers at the University of...

Five Threats To the Water That Sustains our Farms

Since the 1950s, innovations like synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and high-yield cereals have helped humanity dramatically increase the amount of food it grows. But those inventions would be moot without agriculture’s most precious...

How to Create Favorable Environment for Investment and Innovation?

More than 30 years ago, an international financial institution was established in the British capital, whose main goal was to support the transition from a centrally planned economy to an open market...

UN Environment Programme And European Investment Bank Join Forces To Reduce Pollution In The Marine And Coastal Environment

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) launched the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Mediterranean Pollution Hot Spots Technical Assistance initiative, which aims to reduce pollution in the Mediterranean...

Inside The Push To Eliminate Lead From Paint

While many use paint to cover the blemishes on their walls, each coat they apply could end up leaving a stain on the planet. Despite legally binding controls in 87 countries, lead...

The Right Time For Women’s Entrepreneurship and Initiatives

That morning, Aleksandra Lazović Lønningen threw away the expired food package again. In her home in Norway, in front of an open refrigerator, she thought about how much money was wasted in...

ABB E-mobility Opens Its Largest DC Fast Charger Production Facility In Italy

ABB E-mobility has today strengthened its position as the world leader in EV charging solutions with the opening of the company’s largest DC fast charger production site to date - the E-mobility...

The Interlinked Threats Facing Lakes and Why we Need to Protect Them

Across the world, lakes fed by rivers, glacial melt, groundwater and rain have played an important role in human civilization and development. They contain 90 percent of the fresh water on the...

Top 10 OTP Banka Generator Zero Carbon Footprint Reduction Projects Selected

Hemp bioplastics production system, mobile application for prevention and reducing household food waste, self-sustainable greenhouses or biotic material as a substitute for styrofoam are just some of the innovative solutions that have...

Stockholm+50 Closes With Call for Urgent Environmental, Economic Transformation

Hundreds of speakers attending Stockholm+50, have called for real commitment to urgently address global environmental concerns and for a just transition to sustainable economies that work for all people. The two-day international meeting concluded...

Bringing The Benefits Of Digital Agriculture To All: FAO Joins The Digital Public Goods Alliance

Membership will help FAO contribute to making digital tools and knowledge products more accessible to farmers. Rome – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has become a member of the...



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