Search results for:Red Sea

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UK Government Boosts Space Tech Funding To Cut Carbon Emissions And Improve Energy Security

Funding for pioneering new space technologies will help to cut carbon emissions, improve energy security and enhance the UK’s reputation as a science superpower, the Business and Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng announced...

Five Threats To the Water That Sustains our Farms

Since the 1950s, innovations like synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and high-yield cereals have helped humanity dramatically increase the amount of food it grows. But those inventions would be moot without agriculture’s most precious...

EBRD to Invest in Lamda’s Green Bond in Greece

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has successfully participated in a green bond issued by Lamda Development in Greece, investing 20 million euros in the total 230 million euros offering. Lamda...

Serbia Will Be Fully Recognised as Country of New Technologies

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic expressed her belief that the BIO4 campus will further strengthen our economy, raise the average salary and pension level, and ensure that young people stay in Serbia, but...

Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

Energy Crisis And Changes In Serbia

The challenges stirred by the energy crisis in Europe require urgent measures and bold decisions to embrace some more energy-efficient times as effortlessly as possible. We need to think promptly about how...

ABB Opens Global Innovation And Training Campus For Machine Automation At B&R In Austria

ABB opened its new global innovation and training campus at the headquarters of B&R in Eggelsberg, Austria, its global center for machine and factory automation. The new campus will create up to...

June was “3rd warmest on record”

The globe just had the third warmest June on record, according to Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, with widespread episodes of extreme heat. Antarctic sea ice was the lowest on record for...

A New Declaration to Help Save our Oceans

Last week, world leaders adopted a landmark declaration at the United Nations’ Ocean Conference in Lisbon to scale up science-based and innovative actions and address the ocean emergency of habitat loss, ocean...

More Funding For Sustainable Farm-based Proteins, As George Eustice Visits Innovative Farm

The Environment Secretary will announce funding to improve the efficiency and sustainability of farm-based protein production. Speaking at the Devon County Show, Environment Secretary, George Eustice, will announce further funding for research projects...

Blue Economy Can Help Members Boost Offshore Renewables

“An important part of the solution to today’s energy crisis may lay with our oceans as a source of local and abundant renewable energy”, said Roland Roesch, Deputy-Director of IRENA’s Innovation and...

Norway Has Key Opportunities to Advance its Transition and Help Lead the World on Clean Energy Technologies

As a resource-rich country on the leading edge of many clean energy technologies, Norway is uniquely well placed for the clean energy transition and now needs to advance strategies to tackle emissions...

Inside The Push To Eliminate Lead From Paint

While many use paint to cover the blemishes on their walls, each coat they apply could end up leaving a stain on the planet. Despite legally binding controls in 87 countries, lead...

WWF to Croatian Members of EP: Vote Down the “Fake Green” Taxonomy

In a few weeks’ time, the EU could classify nuclear power and fossil gas as ‘sustainable’. More specifically, the EU is about to sign off on a list of "green" investments as...

The Interlinked Threats Facing Lakes and Why we Need to Protect Them

Across the world, lakes fed by rivers, glacial melt, groundwater and rain have played an important role in human civilization and development. They contain 90 percent of the fresh water on the...

FAO And WFP Warn Of Looming Widespread Food Crisis As Hunger Threatens Stability In Dozens Of Countries

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today issued a stark warning of multiple, looming food crises, driven by conflict, climate...



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