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Renewable energy increased in 2015

Renewable generation capacity increased by 152 gigawatts (GW) or 8.3% during 2015, the highest annual growth rate on record, according to  new data released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable...

Got Denmark envy? Wait until you hear about its energy policies

Back in the early 1970s, Denmark got almost all its energy from imported oil. Then came the oil crisis, which, naturally, had a big impact. Political discussions throughout the '80s resulted in...

Denmark Breaks Its Own World Record in Wind Energy

Danish wind turbines set a new world record in 2015. Wind power is now counted for 42.1% of the total electricity consumption in Denmark, according to data published on Friday (15 January). The percentage...

Can Germany reach its renewables target for the energy sector for 2020?

In 2015, German energy consumption rose by 1.3 percent according to preliminary figures published just before Christmas by the AGEB, an independent group of economists and the sector experts (press release). The...

China to Halt New Coal Mine Approvals Amid Pollution Fight

China will stop approving new coal mines for the next three years and continue to trim production capacity as the world’s biggest energy consumer tries to shift away from the fuel as...

Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth

Following more than a decade of aggressive growth, global coal demand has stalled, the International Energy Agency said Friday in its annual coal market report. The report sharply lowered its five-year global...

Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% of electricity from clean energy

In less than 10 years the country has slashed its carbon footprint and lowered electricity costs, without government subsidies. Delegates at the Paris summit can learn much from its success. Renewables now...

Small nations, renewable giants

Uruguay gets 94.5% of its electricity from renewables. In addition to old hydropower plants, a hefty investment in wind, biomass and solar in recent years has raised the share of these sources...



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